Sentences with phrase «informal study»

There have been informal studies on silver absorption and elimination published only on the internet.
As final exams approached, students were especially helpful to each other, swapping definitions and examples and organizing informal study sessions.
«In high school, I read «Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance» and it sent me on a path of informal study of Eastern philosophy, Zen, Taoism and meditation.
After the liberation of Paris he began informal studies with the French artists André Lhote and Jacques Villon, and he continued those studies after the war.
While critics are sure to point out flaws with the study, the fact remains that Diefendorf's work reflects the findings I have come across in my own informal studies of people who make purity pledges.
However, informal studies done by Quig at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine failed to show any positive effect of chlorella or sodium alginate on urine or fecal excretion of mercury.
But a recent informal study of 17,000 reviews done under the new system found that just 48 % addressed the nonscience criterion.
He told me that one the other club members, Dave Dennis of Newmarket, Ont., had done his own informal study on this subject a couple of years ago.
In the privacy of his studio, however, Degas modeled in wax and clay throughout his career, producing hundreds of small - scale, informal studies of horses, dancers and bathers that were seen only by close friends and visitors.
Harris cites an informal study by sociologist Anne - Marie Ambert, of York University in Ontario, in which 37 percent of the students in a class blamed their most depressing experience on peers, while only 9 percent blamed it on parents.
The head of the Honors Program at BCC had conducted an informal study focusing on how the program's students fared after moving on to universities.
I recently conducted an informal study with my employees and found that, on average, they spend 14 hours in front of a digital device per day — that's nearly 213 days of the entire year!
We actually did an informal study and found the most popular agave brands ranged from 59 to 67 percent pure fructose, far worse than HFCS.
When Im in front of a group of people leading them through a practice, Im sharing the pieces I have learned through both formal and informal study.
Even the word introvert is stigmatized — one informal study, by psychologist Laurie Helgoe, found that introverts described their own physical appearance in vivid language («green - blue eyes,» «exotic,» «high cheekbones»), but when asked to describe generic introverts they drew a bland and distasteful picture («ungainly,» «neutral colors,» «skin problems»).
One of my colleagues and I have been conducting an informal study of our students over the past three years, polling them about whether or not they have personally known any student who has been held back for failing his / her classes.
In order to better understand the current philanthropic landscape in Puerto Rico, Flamboyan Foundation conducted a short and informal study, focusing on the major foundations and giving organizations and how they go about their work.
An informal study we did a couple of years ago showed that if we increased compensation an average of $ 10,000 per year to the highest performing new teachers in years 3 through 7, it would make a significant difference in their choices.
According to some informal studies successful trainers are giving reinforcement as much as five times more often than less successful trainers.
We hope that the informal study is able to show a progression in sound and implementation technique throughout the current console generation and that it may help expose people to some of the intricacies of the genre.
From an informal study of «the problem that has no name,» it expands to take on a woman's image and role, for herself and others.
From considered self - portraits to pen - and - ink drawings and informal studies on lined notebook paper, this remarkable collection is as much a catalogue of Emin's preoccupations as it is a monument to her raw and evocative talents as an artist.
The majority of Josef Albers in America is dedicated to informal studies on paper.
Swedes enjoy an interesting «close - to - nature» lifestyle — this informal study shows how it might help visitors from other countries.
Now an informal study is showing that the way Swedes relate and spend time in nature can significantly lower stress and improve long - term health.
But the informal study gives the rest of the world a glimpse into the Swedes» fascinating relationship with nature: the closer, the better, and how it might impact a whole nation, its laws and its psyche.
He has sharpened his negotiation skills not only through years of practice and observation but also through formal and informal study.
This may include performance, formal training, informal study and experimentation, composition, and other work experience that demonstrates your responsibility and personal qualities.
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