Sentences with phrase «information about homebirth»

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My point, is even that from a medical / legal standpoint getting that information in a setting you have little you can do about it other than transfer has implications that I think make it impossible to market that way (whether it be for homebirth or antepartum fetal surveillance).
The Coroner is correct that women can benefit from greater and more accurate information about the risks of childbirth and homebirth, but even more women will benefit by overhauling midwifery education to reflect scientific evidence, as opposed to the midwifery fantasies that are currently killing women and babies.
Again, God bless the work you do providing information about the risks of homebirth.
You could have better made your point about the risks of homebirth by getting complete medical information about what happened during my son's birth and leaving aside the condescending tone.
I've read a few blogs, probably because various posters here led me to them, where women who were interested in homebirth changed their minds before the baby came because they got new information about safety (often specifically pertaining to their pregnancy, but still....).
They claim to care about women but actively take steps to deny them the information they need to have truly informed consent and work to make them less safe by not demanding that homebirth midwives be adequately educated.
I've been an OB - GYN nurse for 20 years and even I have had a hard time processing some of the information available about homebirths.
There are women who came to the site prepared to «teach» me about homebirth and «natural» childbirth and instead found themselves learning information that changed everything.
I found that when I truly wanted to know the risks of homebirth it was much more concealed, and every midwife I spoke with have me the rosey glasses picture of homebirth when I REALLY needed honest information and statistics so that I could make an informed decision about having hospital emergency services or staying at home.
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