Sentences with phrase «information edge»

Hedge funds and venture capitalists alike are turning to this new Silicon Valley startup for their next information edge.
The update hits on a number of different levels, changing how Edge and its Javascript engine handle objects in memory, restricting what information Edge can call on, changing how the browser stores credentials and so on.
There is no information edge to be found there.
On May 5, the topic under discussion was the special report Technology Counts 2006: The Information Edge: Using Data to Accelerate Achievement (May 4, 2006).
What separates the successful professionals from the average individual investor is an information edge, in terms of research and analysis, not privileged information.
Yes, Buffett said a number of things stressing that average investors should invest passively, because they have no information edge.
Investing does require a competitive edge, but the «information edge» set forth by rational - agent economists is not the only kind of edge that emerges in the real world.
His latest post is on the information edge needed by active investors to be successful.
In an efficient market, an active manager does not have an information edge because anything that they can know about a stock is already included in the price.
Exploiting this is not so much about having an information edge over the other guy — although you must thoroughly do your homework — as much as it is having an edge in temperament.
It's a hell of a lot easier to get an information edge on one stock than it is on the S&P 500.
When trading macro, you never have a complete information set or information edge the way analysts can have when trading individual securities.
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