Sentences with phrase «information gained»

Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.
Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.
At the beginning of the semester, students were given the option to use their own personal information gained through a microbiome kit, or they could use demo data.
The educational institution itself decides the loan amount that the student qualifies to receive based on information gained from other funding sources.
An employer can not pick and choose when the «without prejudice» rule applies to selectively use information gained during a protected conversation to its advantage in subsequent tribunal proceedings.
Remember you agreed to allow this company to collect the personal information they gain from your use of their bar codes, when you signed up with them.
Part of the goal of the project is to share information gained from research.
Also, the networking information I gained during this process will help me tremendously in my ongoing career and professional development.
Women's preferences about place of birth are most often based on provider or peer recommendations, or information gained via the Internet [6 — 11].
The valuable information gained will be used to explore new treatments, prevention and eventually a cure for all canine cancer.
Develop a good method of tracking the people and information you gain in your search so that you can use these resources effectively.
Plus, this does not support creation, but merely emphasizes the power and advancement of technology and information gained through reason in our scientific community.
We asked teachers to reflect on how the observations and information they gained from the walks affected their thinking about student engagement and to choose one new practice to implement.
With information gained during Reading Recovery lessons, teachers and administrators can make good decisions about future support your child may need.
He dismissed conventional data acquisition techniques because «information gained by «surveys and experiments with controls» is likely to be distorted by the artificiality of the gathering situation».
Once Emily makes a few visits alone, she is surprised and pleased by how much useful information she gains about the children and families she works with.
Sending out row messages again eliminates new numbers because of information gained in the column and sub-box steps.
Religion makes up information and when it conflicts with real information we gain using science, religion tried to alter itself to fit reality.
Legal Files Software is a highly moldable matter management software that can help track important information gained from investigations.
«Rather, they both emerge naturally from locally maximizing information gain
The parents evaluated the workshop materials, handouts, and usable information gained in each workshop very highly, and also recommended the workshop to other parents at a very high level.
There is currently a ban on using evidence from phone taps, but this could be lifted in the wake of comments from Lord Goldsmith, who said information gained in this way should be used in terrorism and organised crime cases.
And, if you are already a member, please consider gifting a membership to a friend or family member who would truly benefit from the life changing health information gained.
For small schools with less resources and large schools that receive hundreds, if not thousands, of applications, the resources required to read every essay from every applicant may outweigh the benefits of the extra information gained from the admission essay.
All customer information gained is owned and used by ComiXology, not the retailer.
Doppler Echocardiography: A more advanced form of ultrasonography, this sophisticated technology can enhance the diagnostic information gained from standard two - dimensional ultrasounds.
VR firm's founder accused of using information gained at Total Recall Technologies to accelerate development of Rift headset
But for practicing attorneys like myself, the free information I gain from blogging gives me a competitive edge over my large - firm competitors and enables me to serve my clients more competently and at lower cost.
According to LG, ThinQ will accomplish these tasks by obtaining information gained from the Electronic Program Guide.
Based on information gained from over 400,000 individuals who have used these exercises, this book reveals career expert Dev Aujla's tried - and - tested method for job seekers at every stage of their career.
Educate breeders, owners, and the public with information gained from funded clinical research;
«Information gained about the concerns and attitudes of hemodialysis patients regarding living donor kidney transplantation might help us develop targeted interventions designed to alleviate some existing disparities,» said Dr. Gillespie.
Or like Cambridge Analytica's Christopher Wylie, the twentysomething data scientist who helped build psychometric profiles of two - thirds of all Americans by leveraging personal information gained through uninformed consent.
Now scientists at Pasteur Institute and the University of Marseille, both in France, and at the University of California, Santa Barbara, have developed an algorithm that effectively mimics the zigzagging and veering of moths by sending entities trying to track a scent on paths that maximize information gain.
In addition, Appel shared information gained on balancing the energetics of the reaction steps.
The parents evaluated the workshop materials, handouts, and usable information they gained in each workshop very highly, and also recommended the workshop to other parents at a very high level.
It also shows that networking helps cofounders find each other by removing some of the uncertainty around pairing up in advance, and that entrepreneurs use information gained during networking to find talented cofounders.
Interestingly, even though biologists long favored the view that viruses were mere boxes of chemicals, they took advantage of viral activity in host cells to determine how nucleic acids code for proteins: indeed, modern molecular biology rests on a foundation of information gained through viruses.
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