Sentences with phrase «information gathered points»

There is however a financial incentive for compliance that employers should consider, namely the potential for Employment Tribunal claims if the information gathered points to a substantial gender pay gap between the sexes.

Not exact matches

The Cruz algorithm was then applied to what the campaign calls an «enhanced voter file,» which can contain as many as 50,000 data points gathered from voting records, popular websites and consumer information such as magazine subscriptions, car ownership and preferences for food and clothing.
-- Some entrepreneurs lack the financial training to set up the systems to gather financial information in an easy and painless way — Most important, as Steve point out, some of these figures are just misleading at this state of a company
I am a newbee to forex investing, i am at the point of gathering information to make sence of the whole forex trading.
Gather the information and data points prior to discussing with your client, so they have a clear idea of what will be included in the study.
I may have missed some point of information, but, from all I can gather, it appears as if no one from a news source has contacted Julie McMahon directly, so that whole thing just hits me as odd.
Historical critics typically gather all evidence from within a letter that might point to a specific rhetorical situation; then, with the help of other information — when available — reconstruct the situation Paul addresses; and, finally, read the details of the letter as they fit within that reconstruction.
First, on many points qualified historians will be able to supplement the information that could be gathered without reliance on their technical skills.
At some point, though, you have to draw a line in the sand and say to yourself «OK, I have to move from information - gathering to decision - making.»
Other points raised included Josh Marshall's mention of the power of distributed researchers to gather and filter information quickly (shades of the Dan Rather memo - explosion from» 04) and a brief discussion by Berman of the Obama MySpace profile flap and the inherent problems that arise when a campaign doesn't control a vital resource.
In his words, Commissioner for Information, Malam Ahmad Sajoh, said relaxation points, particularly those that gathered crowd, would also be affected by the ban.
«The information we gathered clearly demonstrates that Indian Point can be shut down without unduly burdening New York's ratepayers or the electric system,» said Assemblymember Kevin Cahill, Chair of the Assembly Committee on Energy.
The Alliance met Wednesday near a rock at the center of the 1.8 - acre park, which is the highest point in Manhattan, and handed out information to passersby in the hopes of gathering volunteers to help the Parks Department beautify and improve the space.
Researchers attempted two of the kinds of attacks that might be used to gather user data — «passive monitoring», simply collecting the unencrypted information that passed through the access point; and DNS hijacking, redirecting browsers to a controlled web server by pretending to be commonly visited websites like Google and Facebook.
The documentation ranges across the whole spectrum of drug development: Investigators» brochures provide information on all that is currently known about the medicine and so need periodic updating; accurate and concise protocols are required to ensure that trials are performed effectively; clinical trial reports (generally from phase II and III studies) present the information gathered from the trials; higher level documents provide summaries of efficacy and safety data from clinical trial programmes; expert reports provide critical interpretation of the results; and response documents clarify any points that are not clear to the regulatory agencies or provide additional analyses or supporting data for any items of concern.
An eight - point privacy statement presented at the meeting says that an individual's privacy must be respected, and the information gathered must be kept secure, and shared with law enforcement agencies only when they are authorised to see it.
These particles are oriented randomly with respect to the electron beam, so the microscope collects images of the particle from all possible vantage points, gathering information on each of the particle's facets.
During ERASMUS, instrumented UAS flew above Oliktok Point and gathered information about properties related to arctic clouds, aerosols, and radiation.
«Longitudinal research [like this] offers insight into what factors may be the best or strongest predictors of children's development, over and above information that can be gathered at only one time point,» she said in a university news release.
At this point, the class can pause to look at all of the initial information gathered.
«We also gathered some other information from interviews with students and parents... that illustrated that writing was a point that we needed to go to.
The main point when working with on - screen content is to gather all possible information from our SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) and other sources, distill it down to its core concept and provide that core concept to the learners.
The on - going consultations and gathering of information about the post-2015 development gears towards a decision point in a few months, stakeholders including governments, civil societies, academicians and The United Nations are now realizing that to lift some of the 1.1 billion from extreme poverty there is need to link extreme poverty alleviation efforts with sustainable peace.
Many schools would find the surveys in Youth Voice to be helpful, at least as starting points for gathering information.
Mobile devices have become the go - to way to gather information at the point of need.
A final report might take the form of a Web page, a Power Point presentation, or a graphical analysis of information gathered.
The main point when working with on - screen content is to gather all possible information from our SMEs (subject matter experts) and other sources, distill it down to its core concept and provide that core concept to the learners.
The main point is that learners will be viewing the information, gather information and make decisions of applying it to their real life situations where applicable.
Having multiple data points also strengthens the validity of the information gathered to ensure accuracy and fairness.
The point is that the student learns to gather information that's relevant to the question, arrange it in some sort of logical order, and produce a written document that is clear and convincing.
There is a clear need to gather information on pupils as they start Reception, as understanding a child's starting point enables teachers to tailor support to the child's needs going forward.
If you're lacking information, or need to gather some facts in order to make a point, do a little research.
You are encouraged to conduct a research and gather information necessary to support the points you make.
While gathering the notes; you can skim through the sources and note down the important points and the materials including quotes and the information for the foot notes.
You can gather large amounts of information, and have bright people interpret it, but the large numbers of Ph.D. economists insures that the result will tend toward consensus, and not be that much different from the consensus of economists outside the Fed, which means that the Fed will miss turning points.
I am a newbee to forex investing, i am at the point of gathering information to make sence of the whole forex trading.
The first step is to gather information that shows the full cost of each loan, including points and fees.
But at that point you will be in an information gathering stage so it won't matter whether the person has puppies available.
The Cat Fanciers» Association and The International Cat Association websites are good starting points for gathering such information.
Lastly, make it a point to read reviews of all the four recipes and gather as much nutritional information as you can before making the final purchase.
While getting sales at this point is certainly wonderful and welcome, the information you're gathering is the most important element, because it gives you a clue about where you should go to find the next step on the path.
I gather as much as I can from books, internet, youtube, etc etc... «free information» if you will, to be able to thrive... to be able to GET to the point of «YAY... I sold enough pieces to go to WDS!!!»
He first pointed me to the string of videos he created to explain the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network, a crowd - sourced meteorology data base gathering precipitation information from individuals and, particularly, schools around the country.
«0 points Created citations which were incomplete or inaccurate, and provided no way to check the validity of the information gathered
The people who are doing the actual work of gathering the mountain of information from which political opinionators like Will are cherry - picking have pointed out this ruse time and again.
Mobile Phones Are Great for Gathering Environmental Information As pointed out by MobileActive, cell phones are a great device for gathering information, and researchers are Gathering Environmental Information As pointed out by MobileActive, cell phones are a great device for gathering information, and researchers arInformation As pointed out by MobileActive, cell phones are a great device for gathering information, and researchers are gathering information, and researchers arinformation, and researchers are noticing.
The second workshop was more pointed in that it focused on mobilization of climate finance taking into account the information gathered at the first workshop.
And who was the Democratic Rep. who spent his time (in the latter half of the hearing) bemoaning the fact that other members of the Committee only wanted to speak in talking points, rather than gather information, as he himself then launched into his own talking points?
This is more gathering of information from your point of view.
«What would be the point of gathering information for recreational use or gathering information for any other use than protecting the country when the thing that [Americans] most fear is an attack on the United States?»
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