Sentences with phrase «informed conversation»

We hope this will help you to invest on your own, or at least to have more informed conversations with financial advisers.
Parents also participate and are provided with skills to have informed conversation about teens being sexually active and offers information on reproductive services.
We hope this article helps you have a more informed conversation as you work through your personal situation.
It addresses a wide range of subjects from dental disease to behavioral issues to seasonal health concerns, which retailers can use to help inform their conversations with customers.
The challenge is to open avenues for informed conversation and for becoming informed.
I hope this series will help encourage a better informed conversation.
This Chapter informs the conversation on lateral violence by providing an explanation, as well as examples, of lateral violence in our communities.
For some, historically informed conversations may yield a positive connection.
Genetic Health Risk reports are intended to provide you with genetic information to inform conversations with a healthcare professional.
Overall, besides driving further research, Mansi says he hopes the results will help inform conversations between patients and providers about the risks and benefits of statins.
Based on the comments I received from my blog posts on the science and religion debate, I want to point Evangel readers in the direction of some resources that would inform the conversation because ---- with the exception of a few interlocutors ---- pervasive ignorance and fear seem to....
Part I, Learning Together: Getting Ready to Lead Underachieving Students in Poverty to Success (Chapters 1 through 4), lays the groundwork for informed conversations among colleagues and future action planning.
The blog is described as an «honest, wide - ranging, scientifically informed conversation about sustainable technologies and cultures, toward a thriving future world.»
We investigated the question of preschool quality to help inform conversations in California, a state grappling with how to improve current early education programs for three and four year olds, while addressing a growing unmet need for more preschool seats.
If you can inform the conversation around the subjects that matter to you - becoming an active participant within that conversation and accepting the dispersal of authority - you will help re-build trust, particularly trust in yourself and your argument, and this will ultimately serve the objectives of your campaign.
«These data can equip providers and patients with the information they need to have informed conversations regarding non-drug approaches for treatment of specific pain conditions,» said David Shurtleff, Ph.D., deputy director of NCCIH.
Be prepared, because informed conversation requires prepared members, and preparation transcends just the work that is assigned — and is closer to deep thought, sincere skepticism, and a general willingness to interrogate assumptions.
The responses informed conversations among task force members to distill the core themes, debate their implications in light of the latest research, and determine consensus recommendations for priority actions by higher education administrators.
«As College Success Arizona increases its role of informing conversations and policies that lead to greater postsecondary access and success, we must participate at an appropriate level in Arizona and nationally,» said Rich Nickel, President and CEO of College Success Arizona.
Employing «modernized artifacts,» like the medieval - style cart, Lamson's work informs this conversation and brings together a community of viewers.
And open and informed conversation seems crucial to Randers's project — indeed, he posits that unchecked climate change is not a technological problem, but a political one.
This presentation will not only address the fundamental aspects of divorce so that therapist can engage in more informed conversations with their clients, but, also, will provide attendees with valuable resources and insight into ways to support their clients through this challenging process.
Its purpose is to move forward a respectful and better - informed conversation between SRLs and members of the legal profession and thus enhance cooperation.
Honest, wide - ranging, scientifically informed conversation about sustainable technologies and cultures, toward a thriving future
The information presented here are general guidelines and are meant to provide you the parent with some knowledge and information, so that you can have a more informed conversation with your physician or your child's pediatrician.
Based on the comments I received from my blog posts on the science and religion debate, I want to point Evangel readers in the direction of some resources that would inform the conversation because ---- with the exception of a few interlocutors ---- pervasive ignorance and fear seem to prevail instead of knowledge and faith.
«This pioneering research gives us valuable insight into intimate social relationships, providing data clinicians may now draw upon to open better informed conversations with patients about sexuality and health.»
It issued the request on 1 June, to inform the conversation on the potential for an SMR industry in Canada and CNL's potential role in bringing SMR technology to market.
We have assembled a variety of examples of district communications materials to help inform our conversation about how districts can share the contents of their Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) development and throughout the implementation process with staff, parents, and the broader community.
The goal of the store, says Raider, is to start an «informed conversation» with Harry's customers.
Be able to have an informed conversation with your manager where you can show what the market comps are for your position.
Engaging in well - informed conversations with buyers and business leads at all levels of the customer's organization
In 2012, Dr. Morgan launched Pharmacare 2020, a campaign to foster evidence - informed conversation about the future of prescription drug coverage in Canada.
Still, it is better to have an informed conversation than an uninformed one.
I don't know if this will inform the conversation or be totally off topic, but I've been reading my way through Terry Pratchett's Discworld series.
Ancient Faith Today: AFT is a live, listener call - in program (archived as a podcast) presenting «informed conversation about subjects that matter through the lens of the Eastern Orthodox Church.»
Empowerment generally starts with an informed conversation.
«This tool may allow us to have an informed conversation with family members of elderly patients with isolated traumatic brain injury.
«Those of us in favor of eating or serving meat need to be able to have an informed conversation about our choices, and that includes the choices we make for our pets.»
The model can inform these conversations because it can provide a statistical estimation of the patient's prognosis,» Dr. Miller explained.
This is also certainly not the first time that the person has taken steps toward healing — learning about those first few, or many, steps is a great way to begin an empowering and informed conversation about the patients» healing journey before they met you.
Always up for a laugh, or an informed conversation, would rather outside than in, to explore new, find beauty.
So it is that we bring together in this issue the best of the new evidence on how choice may be affecting public schools as well as a robust, informed conversation about its longer - term potential.
CAE offers a comprehensive platform that includes model programs in all arts disciplines, professional research, and policy recommendations that inform the conversation about arts education at every level from the classroom to the Capitol.
Again, descriptive data can inform a conversation but really shouldn't be used to draw broad conclusions.
In its letter, NSBA took the opportunity to inform the conversation about the efficacy of school choice on student achievement and school performance and highlight several options that are currently offered by public school districts; from local magnet schools and charter schools authorized by local school boards to public specialty schools, such as military academies and those offering specialized curricula for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
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