Sentences with phrase «infrared radiation effects»

Past interglacial warming were triggered by sharp spikes in solar irradiation associated with the Earth's position relative to the sun (Milankovic cycles), with consequent feedback release of greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4) from the oceans and the biosphere, resulting in atmospheric infrared radiation effects and in melting of ice sheets, which amplify global warming.

Not exact matches

But because glass is also transparent to near - infrared radiation — windows also let in heat, giving rise to the well - known greenhouse effect.
It creates a much greater blast effect than infrared radiation, or heat — which was the primary means of destruction from the bombs we dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The second visualization was a movie captured at 23,000 - times magnification that revealed the movements of a group of nanoparticles reacting to an electron beam, which mimics the effects of the infrared radiation used in cancer therapies.
The greenhouse effect is the process in which the emission of infrared radiation by the atmosphere warms a planet's surface.
They combined observations in the visible and the near infrared from the Hubble Space Telescope with radio observations from the Very Large Array and the Submillimeter Array to explore the effect of the turbulence, stellar radiation, and magnetic field on massive star formation in the galaxy's nuclear ring.
The Doppler effect causes them to create radiation in the longer - wavelength, infrared portion of the spectrum.
If the temperature decreased with altitude, infrared radiation would at some point pass through a region of cooler water - gas, which would absorb the part of the spectrum responsible for the glowing effect, he explained.
Discrimination of ionizing radiation effects on bone using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy using K - means
Far infrared radiation (FIR): Its biological effects and medical applications.
A special, highly innovative type of leather on the seats, interior panels, and steering wheel that significantly reduces the heat effect of bright sunshine: Treatment of the leather in Sun Reflective Technology serves to integrate special color pigments into the material to reflect infrared radiation in the sunlight.
Detailed studies of the energy balance and ablation of the Zongo and Chacaltaya glaciers support the importance of air temperature increase, and identify the increase in downward infrared radiation as the main way that the effect of the warmer air is communicated to the glacier surface [Wagnon et al. 1999; Francou et al, 2003].
Once the heated layer becomes more than a few centimeters thick, the heat loss of the skin layer due to downward conduction of heat by diffusion stops having any significant effect on the surface temperature, since rock is such a good insulator that the heat flux by conduction in rock is tiny compared to the heat loss by infrared radiation out the top.
A regional study over the central Alps found that downward infrared radiation is increasing due to the enhanced greenhouse effect.
This is not the definition of «greenhouse effect» that is commonly used in climate science, whereby it relates to the atmospheric emission and absorption of infrared radiation.
Greenhouse Effect: The heating of the surface of the earth due to the presence of an atmosphere containing gases that absorb and emit infrared radiation.
We all have been told that the greenhouse effect is due to the absorption of outgoing infrared radiation by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Less well appreciated is that clouds (made of ice particles and / or liquid water droplets) also absorb infrared radiation and contribute to the greenhouse effect, too.
«The trapping of thermal infrared radiation by atmospheric gases is typical of the atmosphere and is therefore called the atmospheric effect.
«The heating effect exerted by the atmosphere upon the earth because certain trace gases in the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide, etc.) absorb and reemit infrared radiation.
Radiative - covective models put the surface albedo, gas composition and their infrared absorption together with the solar irradiation into account, this gives a first guess of the top of troposphere, surface temperature and greenhouse effect (= surface temperature — radiation temperature).
«The heating effect exerted by the atmosphere upon the earth because certain trace gases in the atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide, etc.) absorb and re-emit infrared radiation.
A regional study over the central Alps found that downward infrared radiation is INCREASING due to the enhanced greenhouse effect..
Downwelling long - wave infrared (LWIR) radiation (DLR) is supposed to increase evaporation and evapotranspiration according to AGW due to increasing GHG effect from CO2 levels.
The Met Office state «The «greenhouse effect» is the way the atmosphere traps some of the energy we receive from the Sun (infrared radiation or heat, ultraviolet and visible light) and stops it being transmitted back out into space».
Greenhouse effect Greenhouse gases effectively absorb thermal infrared radiation, emitted by the Earth's surface, by the atmosphere itself due to the same gases, and by clouds.
It lasts just nine years in Earth's atmosphere but is about 34 times more potent at trapping infrared radiation (the greenhouse effect) than carbon dioxide, which is more abundant and lasts longer.
They know that the heat we get from the Sun is the Sun's thermal energy radiated to us in thermal infrared, it's called HEAT transfer by radiation, and you've taken that out of your Greenhouse Effect energy budget..
As far as water vapor in the tropics, they even say» In the humid equatorial regions, where there is so much water vapour in the air that the greenhouse effect is very large, adding a small additional amount of CO2 or water vapour has only a small direct impact on downward infrared radiation
The natural greenhouse effect The atmosphere contains several trace gases which absorb and emit infrared radiation.
In the humid equatorial regions, where there is so much water vapour in the air that the greenhouse effect is very large, adding a small additional amount of CO2 or water vapour has only a small direct impact on downward infrared radiation.
GREENHOUSE EFFECT Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (such as water vapor and carbon dioxide) absorb most of the Earth's emitted longwave infrared radiation, which heats the lower atmosphere.
Yes, «greenhouse» is a poor term, but is unfortunately established now (means Tyndall effect, relates to the absorption of infrared radiation).
A greenhouse gas is expected to work its warming through the greenhouse effect, absorbing infrared radiation and converting it to heat that warms the atmosphere.
I have spent my professional life studying the interactions of visible and infrared radiation with gases — one of the main physical phenomena behind the greenhouse effect.
[NB: To avoid the vexing issue of the effects of the down - welling infrared radiation, it is easiest to think of long - term zero energy imbalance, as measured by satellites at the top of the atmosphere — after the underlying atmosphere adjusts.
As reported by the IPCC in the Physical Science Basis, «In the humid equatorial regions, where there is so much water vapour in the air that the greenhouse effect is very large, adding a small additional amount of CO2 or water vapour has only a small direct impact on downward infrared radiation.
Methane gas lasts just nine years in Earth's atmosphere but is about 34 times more potent at trapping infrared radiation (the greenhouse effect) than carbon dioxide, which is more abundant and lasts longer.
Had the infrared radiations of the greenhouse gas effect existed, we would have already captured it in our infrared telescopes.
The effect under investigation must play a very important role in atmospheric phenomena: it is one of the sources of Earth's cooling; formation of hailstorm clouds in the atmosphere is accompanied by intensive characteristic infrared radiation that could be detected for process characterization and meteorological warnings.
«This H2O negative - feedback effect on CO2 is ignored in models that assume that warm moist air does not rise and form sunlight - reflecting clouds, but remains as humid air near sea level, absorbing infrared radiation from the sun, and approximately doubling the temperature rises predicted from atmospheric CO2 increases.
4 Greenhouse Effect Certain atmospheric gases trap some of the infrared radiation that escapes from the Earth, making the Earth warmer than it would be otherwise.
As to the effect mentioned in your comment, as I understand it, cumulus clouds reflect infrared radiation back into space while cirrus clouds catch infrared radiation leaving earth and reflect it back to earth.
Greenhouse effect - Heat - trapping gases (greenhouse gases) effectively absorb thermal infrared radiation, emitted by the Earth's surface, by the atmosphere itself due to the same gases, and by clouds.
David Springer wrote: The greenhouse effect, by trapping infrared radiation, can lower the albedo of the earth and cause global warming.
and (v)[re CO2 forcing causing back radiation of infrared]... since evaporation has a net cooling effect due to the removal of energy as latent heat the net effect should be increased cooling and not warming of the oceans
The most basic difference between the two is that infrared radiation is re-emitted in all directions, upwards out to space and downwards back towards lower layers in the atmosphere and the earth's surface (the greenhouse effect).
The GWP represents the combined effect of the differing times these gases remain in the atmosphere and their relative effectiveness in absorbing outgoing thermal infrared radiation.
CO2 emits radiation (a cooling effect) as a function of temperature and the emissivity of CO2, according to the Stefan - Boltzmann relationship, but absorbs radiation (a warming effect) as a function of exposure to infrared radiation.
It is necessary to understand here that laboratory demonstrations of the absorption of infrared radiation by carbon dioxide are not proof of the greenhouse effect.
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