Sentences with phrase «infrastructure improvement projects»

The work comes as part of a $ 300,000 dollar infrastructure improvement project taking place throughout the city.
The City of Norwich will now be able to complete their $ 2 Million plus water infrastructure improvement project in the near future.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants New York state to spend another $ 125 billion on infrastructure improvement projects over the next five years.
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)-- Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants New York state to spend another $ 125 billion on infrastructure improvement projects over the next five years.
These proposals include significant tax relief for small businesses, increased funding to support municipal water infrastructure improvement projects, a new effort to revitalize and transform downtown areas in each region of the state, and a sixth round of the successful Regional Economic Development Council initiative.
The La Grange Road widening project, one of the largest infrastructure improvement projects in Orland Park's history, according to the village's annual report, «starts in earnest very soon,» McLaughlin said.
Citing as an example an urban infrastructure improvement project in a municipality of China, WRI researcher Milap Patel said, «without even a risk screening, we didn't know whether this project was vulnerable to climate change.»
Led complete reorganization of operations, including infrastructure improvement projects, business office remodel, main hanger renovations, and re-implementation of snow removal services.
I have worked as an Engineer in Charge, Resident Engineer, Chief Inspector, Senior Inspector with over 34 years of experience in construction for bridge rehabilitations, pier repairs / replacements, highways, airports, buildings, beaches and parks, landfills, waste water treatment facilities, and related infrastructure improvement projects.
When Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced $ 1.5 billion in grants last March to fund health care capital and infrastructure improvement projects, only eight of the 162 grants went to private businesses.
They include $ 15 million to continue funding the «Building a Better Ulster County» infrastructure improvement project.
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