Sentences with phrase «ingest tapeworm eggs»

The larvae may ingest tapeworm eggs while grazing for food in their environment.
Small children are most likely to accidentally ingest tapeworm eggs because they are prone to putting items into their mouths.
Tapeworms are contracted by ingesting a flea that has ingested a tapeworm egg or segment, or by eating rodents and other wildlife that are infested with tapeworms and fleas.

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It is also possible to vaccinate pigs so that they destroy tapeworm eggs as soon as they ingest them.
The CDC researchers, who published their findings Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, now think the Colombian man may have ingested some microscopic tapeworm eggs, most likely in food contaminated by mouse droppings, insects or human feces.
During grooming or in response to a flea's bite, the dog or cat can ingest the flea carrying the infective tapeworm egg, which grows in the pet's intestines into adult tapeworms.
Tapeworms - as if the itching and the allergies weren't enough, fleas containing tapeworm eggs «Dipylidium caninum» can transmit a tapeworm infection to your dog when the flea is ingested.
It is of special concern because if a human ingests the egg of this tapeworm the intermediate host can develop in the human and cause serious disease.
Humans can contract this parasitic disease when a flea infected with tapeworm eggs is ingested.
When the tapeworm eggs are released into the environment, they must be ingested by flea larvae, an immature stage of the flea.
Dogs become infected with tapeworms when they ingest a flea or eat a small mammal containing tapeworm eggs.
If you were to accidentally ingest the eggs (called proglottids) of the tapeworm, the eggs would pass through your digestive tract and be eliminated through the feces.
After being ingested, the tapeworm egg matures into an adult tapeworm that is segmented and can be 6 inches or more in length and hooks onto your dog's intestinal lining.
After being ingested, the tapeworm egg matures into an adult, segmented tapeworm that can become 6 inches or longer, hooking onto your cat's intestinal lining.
Fleas can also contain the eggs of the harmful tapeworm parasite, which can spread when a cat ingests a flea while grooming.
This is often where the tapeworm eggs are ingested by fleas and the cycle begins again when that flea is ingested by another (or the same) dog.
When the larva matures into an adult flea (with the tapeworm egg still inside) and is ingested by a pet during grooming, he / she will get the tapeworm.
Pets can also become infected with tapeworms if they ingest fleas carrying tapeworm eggs.
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