Sentences with phrase «ingested by your dog»

If you haven't guessed yet, all of the above have been ingested by dogs and cats.
Adult fleas can also transmit tapeworms if ingested by your dog.
What you may not realize is that, if ingested by a dog, it can be fatal.
Caution: Some dental sprays contain grain alcohol, which is a toxin when ingested by dogs.
It is inhaled or ingested by the dog, enters the bloodstream, and targets the liver, kidneys, eyes, and the cells lining the inner surface of the blood vessels.
Products such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, widely used by humans, are commonly ingested by dogs.
The roundworm is a patient, persistent parasite that can lay up to 100,000 eggs in a single day.1 Once an egg is accidentally ingested by a dog, the roundworm hatches and makes its way through the body to an ideal feeding ground, the intestine.
The Healthy Paws team sees many cases of a «foreign object» being ingested by a dog or cat.
When ingested by dogs xylitol can bring about adverse side effects such as seizures, vomiting, liver failure, as well as loss of coordination.
If ingested by a dog it can cause mouth irritation, drooling, vomiting, swallowing problems and burning of the tongue and lips.
Their larvae can be accidentally ingested by a dog in contaminated environments such as backyards and dog parks.
The major components methylxanthine alkaloids and theobromine in regular chocolate is digested & excreted by humans in as little as 3 hours but the same compounds when ingested by dogs stays inside them for 18 hours.
Lily of the valley contains cardenolides or digitalis like toxins which do not cause kidney failure, but may cause life - threatening cardiac arrhythmias and death when ingested by dogs, cats, or people.
Certain garden and indoor plants as well as wild mushrooms growing in your yard can be very toxic if ingested by your dog or cat.
Bread dough ingested by dogs or cats can lead to ethanol poisoning and even death.
They've heard from reliable sources that certain human food, like grapes or onions, are actually toxic if ingested by dogs.
When snail or slug bait is accidentally ingested by dogs, it can result in severe, rapid clinical signs, including agitation, tremors, seizures, and secondary, severe hyperthermia (up to temperatures of 108ºF / 42.2 ºC).
Since this periwinkle contains these alkaloids, if ingested by dogs, they can be poisonous and cause a variety of side effects.
The raisins and currants found within fruitcake can cause acute kidney failure when ingested by your dog.
The parasite can remain dormant as a cystozoite (a cystic developing stage) in the muscles cells of this vertebrate host until it is ingested by a dog and causes ACH.
Some produce toxins called tremorgenic mycotoxins, which can cause serious or even life - threatening problems if ingested by dogs.
Raw bread dough made with live yeast can be hazardous if ingested by dogs.
While there are certainly some human foods that are safe to feed your dog there are many which are unsafe and potentially poisonous when ingested by your dog.
When ingested by your dog, it typically causes loss of appetite and vomiting.
Giardia is a protozoan parasite that is ingested by dogs when infectious cysts are shed in infected dog's feces.
Once a Giardia cyst is ingested by a dog, it makes its way to the dog's small intestine, where it opens up and releases the active form of the parasite which attaches itself to the intestinal wall and begins to reproduce by cell division.
Unbaked bread dough should never be ingested by dogs or cats.
In reality, if ingested by a dog or cat, the sticky white sap usually causes only minor mouth or stomach irritation.
Contact your veterinarian immediately if Flea5X Plus for Dogs is applied to your cat or ingested by your cat, or if Flea5X Plus for Cats is applied to your dog or ingested by your dog.
Some molds, if ingested by dogs, will cause vomiting and sometimes diarrhea; which is also called a mechanized form of mold allergy.
If they are not ingested by another dog, these larvae crawl on the surrounding soil.
Many women carry chewing gum in their purses and don't realize that, if ingested by a dog, it can be fatal.
If you have ruled out that nothing inedible was ingested by your dog, then take a look at her lifestyle.
If these cells are ingested by dogs before they have reached their first larvae cycle, they are simply re-passed again and will not actually be able to hatch inside of him.

Not exact matches

11 Fighting a hangover by drinking «the hair of the dog that bit you» may have originated in an ancient belief that ingesting the hair of a dog that literally bit you could guard against infection.
But the greatest tragedy strikes when his dog, Arsylang — «all that was left to me» — dies after ingesting poison set out by the boy's father to protect his herd from wolves.
Any dog ingesting xylitol should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.
The most common source of human infection is by ingesting eggs that have come from soil contaminated with cat (or dog) feces.
You did not state the amount of active ingredients in the Tylenol ® pills that your dog ingested, but I believe that in your case, if your dog has not exhibited any unusual symptoms by now, that the dosage you gave was significantly under the threshold for toxic effect that you don't have anything to worry about.
Dr. Justine Lee, associate director of veterinary services for the national Pet Poison Helpline in Minneapolis, said during Halloween week last year, calls about dogs that ingested chocolate increased by 209 percent over a typical week
It can be spread by flies that land on infected feces and then land on your dog depositing the virus on their coat and ingested when they lick themselves.
A fully - grown dog or cat can pick up the parasites by eating infected food or water, or feces found in soil, thereby ingesting roundworm eggs too small to be noticeable.
These diseases are ingested by the parasites your dog is hosting and the longer that they go untreated the greater your puppy's chances of being infected.
Heartworms are spread by mosquitoes that are infected with immature or «baby» heartworms when they bite an infected dog and ingest its blood.
So although we can get rid of worms from the dog today, if the poop lay around for any length of time, the eggs are in the soil and will be there until they are ingested by an appropriate host.
In the case of our dog on Christmas day, it is a two, if not three, fold problem first there was the amount of fat ingested throughout the day, which was exacerbated by the high preservative levels in the bacon and pig» s ear and the quantity of food consumed throughout the day.
Dogs become infected with hookworms by ingesting these larvae, by ingesting vertebrate hosts or cockroaches with infective larvae in their tissues, or by having the larvae penetrate their skin.
Dogs can also become infected by eating other animals, such as mice, that have ingested the oocysts.
Your dog can be infected by ingesting the hookworm eggs or larvae in the environment.
So your dog could ingest them by licking his paws after a walk.
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