Sentences with phrase «inguinal ligament»

The inguinal ligament is a strong band of tissue located in the groin area. It runs from the pubic bone to the top of the hip bone. Its main function is to provide support and stability to the lower abdomen and help keep the organs in place. It is commonly known as the "groin ligament." Full definition
For starters, it's worth noting that the V - cut isn't a muscle — it's a group of inguinal ligaments which originate from the hip and run into the pubic region.
Individuals who are physically weak might have a clearly visible inguinal ligament, while those who are fit and strong might not.
Every specimen large or small is accompanied by a placard, caption, or annotation; a visitor's head soon swims with descriptions of inguinal ligaments and adipose capsules.
Additionally, making the muscles around the inguinal ligament stronger can make the area look a lot more defined and aid in fat burning.
Inguinal ligament.
But in meralgia paresthetica, the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve becomes trapped — often under the inguinal ligament, which runs along your groin from your abdomen to your upper thigh.
They originate either from the iliac crest, pubis and inguinal ligament, or from the lower ribs and costal ligaments.
The internal oblique originates from the anterior two thirds of the iliac crest and the lateral half of the inguinal ligament and inserts into the lower 3 — 4 costal connective tissue, the linear alba and pubic crest.
The internal oblique originates at its highest level on the anterior two thirds of iliac crest, and at its lower level the inguinal ligament.
The transverse abdominis originates from the inner surface of the lower 6 costal connective tissue, the anterior 2/3 of the iliac crest, and is also connected to the tensor fasciae latae, lateral third of the inguinal ligament and inserts to the linea alba and pelvis (Teyhen et al. 2007).
Comparing the squat and deadlift, Hamlyn et al. (2007) examined the external oblique muscle activity and the lower region of the deep abdominal (superior to inguinal ligament, medial to anterior superior iliac crest) muscle activity during the barbell back squat and conventional deadlift with 80 % of 1RM.
Insertions: Psoas major unites with iliacus at the level of the inguinal ligament and crosses the hip joint to insert on the lesser trochanter.
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