Sentences with phrase «inhale second hand smoke»

Pets not only inhale second hand smoke, but they also ingest tar and nicotine from cleaning their fur or eating the cigarette butts.
This is something all women who are pregnant should stay away from, smoking in general, and then from areas where they and baby could potentially inhale second hand smoke and make things worse for all concerned.
No one is being paranoid or irrational for trying to keep your child from inhaling second hand smoke.
Stop smoking and inhaling second hand smoke.

Not exact matches

Think of it this way: if the complainer were smoking, would you sit there all afternoon inhaling the second - hand smoke?
Rebagliati said he hadn't smoked the weed in 10 months but probably tested positive because of inhaling second - hand smoke at a snowboarders» party.
Second hand smoke inhaled by the mother affects the baby once she is pregnant.
Lifestyle Avoid smoking or inhaling second - hand tobacco smoke and if you consume alcohol, don't consume more than 2 - 3 units on any one day and include at least 4 alcohol - free days a week
Toxicity occurs when the drug is inhaled as second hand smoke, or ingested in the form of rolled joints, brownies (which add chocolate poisoning into the mix) and other laced edibles.
Inhaled toxins: I have seen many birds suffer from second hand smoke and incense use.
No more smog, engine exhaust, or second - hand cigarette smoke for you to inhale.
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