Sentences with phrase «inhibit pain sensation»

These drugs act in the dog's brain to inhibit pain sensation.

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Because Nav1.7 and Nav1.8's only jobs are to trigger pain, he says, a drug that targeted one or both of them as well as bark scorpion venom does would inhibit pain but let you keep other types of sensations (no more numb faces after a visit to the dentist).
Dr. Justin Marchegiani: Yeah, so when you have inflammation, your body's gonna short out a whole bunch of prostaglandins — prostaglandin E2 to be specific and that's gonna cause that pain sensation and then essentially all you're doing with an NSAID is your trying to block or inhibit those prostaglandins from being formed.
The Capsaicin inhibits the key brain pains transmitter, called Substance P (a neurotransmitter related to the sensation of pain).
Today, we know that the sensation of pain itself inhibits healing and raises stress levels in animals, and that by preventing and treating pain aggressively, we promote faster recoveries and avoid many post-operative complications.
«It can help you relax, inhibit any sensations of pain — emotional or physical — and help reinforce to your partner that you are invested and committed to them,» says Van Kirk.
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