Sentences with phrase «initial act»

Moshé's script hinges on the malleable ambiguity of certain events, allowing a complex interplay of possible interpretations to arise, until the twisty third act definitely puts paid to any questions concerning motivation with a resolution that disturbingly returns full circle to the film's initial act of violence.
Fidelity is addressed in detail at the 2 - day initial ACT Facilitator workshop, at the ACT Coordinator online training, and at the annual ACT Leadership Seminar.
There was the initial act of terror at the Boston marathon, the heroism of first - responders, the dramatic press conference in which the FBI released blurry images of two suspects, the ensuing manhunt, the police shootout — the list goes on.
While initially it might seem that Paul is referring to the initial act of faith in Jesus Christ by which people receive eternal life, the following verse shows that this is not at all what Paul is referring to.
All the encounters that follow are extensions of this initial act of love, whether serving Potiphar, evading the attentions of Potiphar's wife, interpreting dreams or testing his brothers.
Your question seems to be directed more toward the initial act of believing in Jesus for eternal life, right?
Since, in the initial act of distancing, the gods were portrayed as idealized men and women, the beauty celebrated by the Greeks was ever the beauty of the human body.
It doesn't make my kids particularly happy to see pumpkin on the table so often this time of the year, but at least I can say I am starting to break through their initial act of resistance.
The Save Darfur cause generated most of its members in the first few months and a more detailed analysis revealed that after the initial act of joining, 72 % of members never recruited anyone else and the majority of members never donated2.
In one experiment, an initial act of kindness prompted others to donate, but in progressively smaller amounts.
When Mark Goldberg, M.D., joined UT Southwestern's Department of Neurology in 2010 as Chair, one of his initial acts was to change the department's name to «Neurology and Neurotherapeutics» — a move that acknowledged the department's mission to seek effective treatments for brain diseases.
Thankfully, the initial act of swinging a sword is bolstered by the aforementioned upgrade potential and the excellent Bonding System.
In the federal government, Social Security's original retirement age of 65 was updated almost half a century after the initial act was passed (prompted mainly because of fiscal reasons).
As beginning teachers experience and process new information during their initial acts of teaching, reflection is an inherent part of the process.
Article 12 of the AR on its face provides for access to the EU Courts based not so much on a challenge of the initial act of an institution, but of the written reply of the institution at issue in the administrative review under Article 10 AR.
Based on the recitals of the AR, however, the Committee decided that in the absence of case law on Article 12 AR from the EU Courts, it would at least be possible to interpret Article 12 broadly and allow access to justice also to challenge an initial act (paras 119 - 120; see, however, the rather narrow reading of Article 12 AR in a recent ruling by the General Court, in particular para 56 of that ruling).
The calculation is based on wrongful acts, and John's initial act is wrongful.
Although the statute of limitations regarding medical malpractice does state that no medical malpractice suit can be brought after five years has passed from the initial act or error made by the doctor in question, Kentucky courts have made it clear that this «five - year rule» is unconstitutional and should no longer be considered as part of the law.
An intervening cause is an event that occurs after an initial act of negligence, which is not the responsibility of the defendant, and may absolve the defendant of liability for the victim's injury.
It might be considered that Mr I.'s presence in the host Member State might create conditions for the recurrence of the initial acts against the victim and that, therefore, it is necessary to expel him in order to protect the victim.
January 26 was selected purposefully to commemorate that past by declaring the initial act of colonisation as the most important event in the Australian historical calendar.
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