Sentences with phrase «initial applications within»

The SSA typically rules on initial applications within 3 - 5 months.

Not exact matches

Within product revenue, system [3D printer] revenue for the quarter increased by 1 %, compared to the same period last year, driven by continued demand of our F123 Series targeting [the] professional rapid prototyping application, as well as initial sales of our new J700 Dental Solution and our H2000 Large Part FDM 3D Production System.
However, your initial application will be reviewed and you will be contacted by a business lending officer within three business days.
For business loans, the SBA will make an initial disbursement of $ 25,000 within five days of approving the application.
Within the licensing process, lenders may be required to submit to a criminal background check, a review of business financial records, as well as be fingerprinted for initial applications.
In order for the transaction to be treated as a rollover, you must redeposit the money within 60 calendar days of withdrawing it, and the application must indicate that the initial contribution is an indirect rollover.
Even if you don't do it at initial application, most cards normally allow you to do a transfer within a set period of getting the card (usually 30 - 90 days).
* To earn the $ 100 Education Loan Finance Fast Track Bonus, new customers must complete an application including submission of all required documents, and refinance a loan with Education Loan Finance within 30 days of initial application.
Another perk is the ELFI Fast Track Bonus Program, which rewards new borrowers with $ 100 cash when they complete their loan application within 30 days of the initial application.
If your loan is approved and you accept our offer within 30 days of your initial application date, you'll receive $ 100 through our Fast Track Bonus!
New customers who complete an application, including submission of all required documents, and accept the terms of an approved Education Loan Finance education loan within 30 days of initial application will receive a $ 100 Education Loan Finance Fast Track Bonus via check by mail within 6 - 8 weeks after the loan disburses.
The collar, featuring sustained - release technology, allows for a continuous low - dose release of imidacloprid and flumethrin to the hair and skin of the animal, killing fleas within 24 hours and ticks within 48 hours after initial application.
It can kill all flea life stages and can do so within 12 hours of initial application.
Quickly kills fleas within 24 hours of initial application.
Within the application you will be asked to designate the volunteer program for which you would like to receive initial training.
We try to make initial contact within a day of receiving the application, but of course we can not make a guarantee.
According to the company, the collar kills fleas within 24 hours and ticks within 48 hours after initial application.
When they process the initial application, Chase solely looks at the total number of credit card inquiries within the previous 24 months and doesn't «drill down» to determine if they are for a primary or authorized user credit card.
If there is a practice area within a firm that particularly interests you and that you have mentioned in your initial application, it is important to look into recent cases that the firm has been working on.
The report shows the number of urgent cases — where initial application proceeds to full judgment within weeks — rose from three in 2014 - 15 to nine this year.
A lapsed policy can be renewed if the insurance holder submits an application for reinforcement within a 2 years» time period from the initial period of the first unpaid premium.
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) also known as token sales are being used to drive network effects around specific applications (dApps) rather than the common building blocks (protocols) that make applications possible within the Ethereum framework.
Aside from your professional work experiences, if you already have any; your skills and abilities related to engineering can also help you a lot within the initial procedures of your work application.
As a result, she says it's important to include relevant keywords that are found within the job description to help your application make it past this initial gatekeeper.
Key Results and Accomplishments • Attained 100 % accounts reconciliation rate within 6 months of initial hiring • Reduced account opening time by 40 minutes on average by utilizing an online customer database for initial form filling and application processing • Reduced loan default rate by 30 % through enactment of effective risk mitigation policies • Enhanced operational efficiency by 27 % through implementation of semi-automated cash balancing and transaction processing protocols
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