Sentences with phrase «initial impetus»

The phrase "initial impetus" means the first push or motivation that starts something or gets it moving. Full definition
-- seems completely ridiculous in light of Thomas's initial impetus for compiling this work.
I guess I'd say that researchED is a «grassroots education - improvement movement» — it provides initial impetus and common connection points, but the individuals involved are the ones making it work.
However, there is some evidence to support the theory that the initial impetus that results from inclusion is often followed by a period of stock - price declines.
Through having more women use their investment power to invest in the types of fund managers, leadership teams, financial returns companies they want to see more of in the world, we believe, it will drive the initial impetus to change the gender - gap in venture capital.
For some of us the demand for public criteria for all truth - claims remains both the initial impetus and the great hope for all contemporary theology, whether liberal or postliberal, neo-orthodox or neoconservative, modem or postmodern., reformist or revolutionary, contextualist or universalist.
The initial impetus for ecumenical dialogue is normally traced to the International Missionary Conference that convened at Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1910.
Attempting to determine dosage amounts of a drug according to the generic recommendation that «this will work for everybody» from a company or business that is interested more in making a sale than in the health of the population is counterproductive to the initial impetus behind taking the medication in the first place.
This funding provided the initial impetus for trials at class then year then multi-year levels.
The initial impetus for the collaborative partnership was a mutual recognition that dialog and collaboration could be productive for both professional associations.
Comic Book Resources caught up with Williamson as he was packing for this weekend's New York Comic Con to discuss «Dear Dracula's» road from comic book to animated movie, the initial impetus behind the book, his latest creator - owned title «Masks & Mobsters» as well as what he has coming down the pipe.
Their initial impetus was to give students and graduates a way to refinance high - interest student debt through a network composed of family and friends, although there is no restriction for the purpose of borrowing on Loanable.
A long - term effect of the Great Depression was the departure of every major currency from the gold standard, although the initial impetus for this was World War II (see Bretton Woods Accord).
Can we scroll back to that time of your life as the initial impetus for the «Gazing Ball» paintings?
From her I get my initial impetus.
NB: I can not really talk about the reception of my own work, but I can say that as a viewer and recipient of art in different contexts that when, for example, I see a work by Cady Noland at the Art Institute of Chicago or in the Museum Ludwig Cologne, or somewhere else in the world, the initial impetus of the work stays with me the same whilst my view on the surrounding realities can be affected.
Therefore, there's little deviation from the initial impetus, which is profoundly different to how I approach painting.
Viewing Nicolas Poussin's «Sleeping Venus and Cupid» in the exhibition «Poussin and Nature» at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, was the initial impetus for McDowell wanting to make works in such landscape.
Though this has grown far beyond CAPFO cases alone, the CAPFO grant was an initial impetus for this direction in Contra Costa County.
In New Jersey's case, a court order provided much of the initial impetus for substantial, carefully planned investments that rapidly increased the education levels and pay of pre-k teachers.
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