Sentences with phrase «initial jump»

You may be able to get initial jump start if you spend a lot of money in marketing and promotion but if quality is not good, it will not help in long term.
Wall Boost = Press Jump repeatedly against purple wall Double Jump = Press Jump in mid air after initial jump
Shares in Etsy (ETSY), the marketplace for handcrafted goods, are now only slightly above their initial pricing after a big initial jump.
Several analysts highlighted continued uncertainty at Deutsche Bank following its management change, despite shares of the German lender seeing an initial jump Monday morning.
It hasn't moved since the initial jump right after the trade was announced.
Of all the transitions that Pihl has made in his career, he said that the initial jump from postdoc to industry was «by far the hardest,» in part because his network — like that of most grad students and postdocs — was somewhat limited.
It's possible that the initial jump in muscle size after the first week (i.e. after just two training sessions) is predominantly due to swelling associated with muscle soreness.
You know it'll be great when you do it, but that initial jump is so hard!!
It smooths out with further travel — and practice — but you can never quite control that initial jump.
If I compare this to the stock I doubled my money on, it has traded sideways for almost a year after the initial jump in value after the IPO.
Chances are, many with a mortgage might never know, because they'd be unwilling or, lets» face it, unable to take that initial jump.
So far, it seems to be a consensus among most AoC players that 1 - on - 1 PvP seems almost always decided upon who gets the initial jump, unless you play a class that has high survivability (i.e. Guardian or Priest of Mithra).
Since you can't double - jump until later on in the game, you can use a mid-air dash to move around many of these traps and can cling to and climb solid walls to further explore areas past your initial jump.
(Change this value to make the initial jump higher or lower.)
The initial jump scares quickly become predictable and uninteresting once you realize they pose no real threat whilst the story itself is not only weak but agonizingly dull.
It is broadly defined as the equilibrium global mean surface temperature change following a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Given that CO2 has been going up in a regular stepwise fashion for the last 30 years and there has been an initial jump in temps which was happily aligned with this with Mann like Climate sensitivity, Climate sensitivity might well have been 6.0.
Yet as of press time, CBOE's website is becoming more available - delayed information about the contracts being offered can be found here - and the price of bitcoin has maintained a somewhat steady pace since that initial jump, trading at $ 15,226.29 per the BPI.
After the initial jump to around $ 2,000, Bitcoin Cash prices settled back to around $ 1,100.
The initial jump beyond it may have only been motivated by the recent positive news coming from the G20 summit.
After an initial jump from 46 cents to 56 cents per sq. ft. between 2000 and 2002, research from the National Association of Building Owners and Managers (BOMA) shows they have now leveled off.
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