Sentences with phrase «initial loading period»

During the initial loading period, drowsiness or grogginess can be expected.
For dogs 60 lbs and over, our 75 count will last you 2 and 1/2 months after the initial loading period.

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This is for mutual funds with share classes decided when shareholders pay the fund's load or sales charge, Class - B shares carry a deferred sales charge during a five - to 10 - year holding period intended from the time of the initial investment.
Until you are in the clear from your initial withdrawal period, don't go near the vending machines, fast food joints, the co-worker's desk loaded with candy, or the cocktail party.
Period Books; Monarchic 8th — 7th centuries BCE c. 745 — 586 BCE: Late 8th - early 7th: Amos (initial composition of earliest layer); First Isaiah (Isaiah Fish dating is a UK dating site with loads of fish to choose from we have many more UK members looking for dating - Registration is free
Then you may have to pay another huge initial sales load / commission again, and then endure another long period of not being able to withdraw money because of the surrender charges.
Power ascension: The period of time between a plant's initial fuel loading date and its date of first commercial operation (including the low - power testing period).
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