Sentences with phrase «initial process»

This credit card's instant approval requires no application or initial processing fees.
The whole initial process took a good 5 hours and it cost $ 500, not including tip.
The morphology of dendrites defines the neuron's input region and contributes to initial processing of incoming information.
Soy bran is made from hulls (the outer covering of the soybean), which is removed during initial processing.
Called TiZir, the joint venture was formed in 2011 with Limb's business contributing the mineral sands mine and initial processing infrastructure that separates the heavy metals extracted from the sand into materials such as zircon, rutile and ilmenite.
It is run jointly by the State Department, who receives referrals from the United Nations and conducts initial processing including a biographic name check, and the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), who conducts more in - depth interviews and collects biometrics from applicants.
So on a personal level, just toying around with the idea of and initial process of online dating has been good for me.
Pathological processing and evaluation were conducted using previously published methods.14, 15 Brain volume and macroscopic features were recorded during initial processing.
Even the initial process of sourcing and sorting the trash can be time intensive.
Barring any mistakes, that initial process can take as long as a month.
Thus the start of the second process corresponds to the phase just beyond conceptual reproduction, where the subjective aim is first needed, for it is needed for the responsiveness to novelty, whereas the initial process automatically unfolded itself.
Although most of the initial processing for salmon is done by machinery, the final check for pin bones and quality are done by hand.
The initial process involves pouring boiling sugar water over the frozen fruit, which kills any bacteria, foreign yeasts, and unwanted flavors.
Typically, this is where ingredients are least processed (with intact DNA) and consolidated in the largest amounts, for example, during initial processing.
Two years after our daughter's birth, we finally sat down in an adoption agency's office and began the initial process.
«Since that time the county legislature has slowly removed all of the safeguards, put in place during the initial process,» said Jamesville resident Dennis Payne.
«When they went through the initial process they could have asked for southern access or through their property.
Each type of implied sound created a unique pattern of brain activity in the «early auditory cortices» — regions thought to be devoted to the initial processing of sounds.
The initial process is well known: dust grains clumped together, forming objects in the millimetre - to - metre range.
«We knew from our work in Drosophila that Zucchini functions at the initial processing step, in which long piRNA precursor molecules are cut into shorter fragments,» explains Haase.
Some of the hardest habits to break during the initial process of changing your diet are those absent minded treats.
Nothing could be easier to make either — after the initial process of bringing the milk to a boil and letting it cool down, before adding the freeze dried kefir starter mix, and then letting it culture at room temperature for 14 - 24 hours, every successive batch is made by just adding some of the old kefir to new organic milk, and letting it culture again at room temperature.
Since dietary fat does not require the liver for initial processing, it does not require insulin as a signalling hormone.
Use this initial process to evaluate your diet and identify what specific nutritional changes can be made to better meet your caloric goals.
If you have never been through this initial process, it's never too late to start and take advantage of it.
It also means it may take trial - and - error to get you through this initial process.
The initial process is very straightforward.
After the initial process, you will have to fill in details of your contact number, age, hobbies and everything you want to share with any member going through your profile.
Take a guided tour around the brewery and find out how your local beers are made from the initial process through to the final pour.
Money doesn't always come up in the initial process of getting to know someone, but when it does it usually involves family crisis, medical emergency or work drama supposedly interfering with a paycheck, Spira said.
The initial process of signing up took about 5 minutes, which would have taken less if I hadn't been so fussy choosing my username.
When the news is released, single millionaires from all over the world flew in to China last weekend, and joined the throngs waiting to get through the initial process and into the general contest.
The initial process is complimentary, and you can own your free account as long as you wish.
The initial process is extremely quick and simple.
The initial process involved sitting with a note pad and some friends and calling out the names of women whose work they admired, whose names they would proudly wear on a t - shirt: Greta Gerwig, Andrea Arnold, Ava DuVernay, Sally Potter, Annette Benning, Pam Grier, Anna Biller, Kitana Kiki Rodriguez, Sigourney Weaver, Kathryn Bigelow.
There you will be assigned a Randstad Education Consultant who will explain how they can help and will discuss the initial process with you.
This initial process had not provided enough structure for teacher leaders, resulting in «a great latitude of results» according to an MSP leader.
In our last blog post — Defining Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) and How to Start Creating Them — we took a detailed look at what SLOs are and the initial process involved in creating them.
In our first blog in our three - part series — Defining Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) and How to Start Creating Them — we took a detailed look at what SLOs are and the initial process involved in creating them.
May 26 Planning Grants To Expand College Access Services Awarded Grants decided to facilitate the initial process to develop community - based college access programs
My initial process of how I wanted my students to write a Readers» Response worked fine for Amiri Baraka and Langston Hughes, but for, Alvin Ailey (and a few other scholars), I needed to shift that process so that it aligned with both their needs, their skills and their strengths.
Initial process to get my Ford F150 repaired was smooth and Alex kept me in the loop throughout the entire process.
The initial process was very helpful, but as we came closer to the contract signing, I began to have serious concerns.
From the initial process to the end, it takes Mr. Gimenez about a full year to write a book — eight to nine months of editing and only about three months maximum to jot down his story.
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