Sentences with phrase «initial symptoms of the disease»

The initial symptoms of this disease would be high temperature, coughing, and wheezing, red eyes.
The initial symptoms of this disease are subtle, consisting only of a mild increase in thirst and urination.

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Most suffers of Coeliac Disease have been having symptoms for so long that the initial diagnosis is actually -LSB-...]
First, after a person is bitten by a parasite - carrying mosquito there is an initial infection in the liver, followed by the long - lasting red blood cell stage where the clinical symptoms of the malaria disease occur, and finally the mosquito stage, which is required to transmit the parasites to other people.
There are testimonies of symptoms persisting — sometimes even resurfacing decades after the initial infection — though the exact cause of such post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome is a topic of debate among Lyme scientists.
Clinicians have long noted that the presence of tremors, rather than balance and walking problems, as the initial or dominant symptom of Parkinson's may suggest slower progression of the disease.
Using a model of Parkinson's disease in which the toxin MPTP, made famous in book «The Case of the Frozen Addicts,» induces Parkinson's - like symptoms in humans and mice, Dr. Smeyne showed that mice infected with H1N1, even long after the initial infection, had more severe Parkinson's symptoms than those who had not been infected with the flu.
The team also looked at a phenomenon called post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, characterized by a constellation of symptoms, such as fatigue, generalized musculoskeletal pain and cognitive slowing, that can occur six months after an initial diagnosis of Lyme.
The most rational framework with which to discover interventions that prevent or delay the initial onset of symptoms is a biologically based definition of the disease that encompasses both the clinical and the preclinical phases.
Although the causes of Alzheimer's disease are still unknown, it is clear that the disease commences with progressive amyloid deposition in the brains of affected persons between ten and fifteen years before the emergence of initial clinical symptoms such as memory loss.
In Dr. Fasano's initial gluten sensitivity research, published online in March 2011 in BMC Medicine, the researchers found distinctive differences between celiac disease and gluten sensitivity on the molecular level, even though symptoms of the two conditions overlapped considerably.
A proportion of patients with Lyme disease develop debilitating symptoms that persist in the absence of initial treatment or following short - course antibiotic therapy.
Your dog or cat may not show symptoms of heartworm disease until six months after initial infection.
Through a combination of insulin and dietary changes, initial regulation of your diabetic dog will help to control their disease, and you should see positive changes in their energy, body condition and other symptoms within a few weeks.
After recovery from this initial disease, a small percentage of cats develop recurring symptoms.
Early detection of diseases that often have no initial visible symptoms — such as diabetes, heart disease, endocrine disease, and cancer — result in faster treatment and better overall health for your pet.
There are two stages of the disease, and some cats will not display symptoms until long after initial infection.
If the initial bad breath goes over into more severe diseases of the mouth other symptoms can include pawing at the mouth, inability to eat and excessive drooling.
Many diseases show few, or no symptoms during the initial stages of infection.
In the initial stages of the disease, symptoms include a high fever (103.5 degrees F or higher), red eyes and a runny nose and eyes.
In many cases of AS / SAS, owners see no initial signs or symptoms that the disease is present in their puppy; but the tests your veterinarian will run to detect it will be the same as those I mentioned for PDA.
For what it is worth, I am so very sorry for all your losses and went through this first hand and it was about 2 years from initial symptoms to fulminant disease and it broke my heart after 14 years of my marvelous girl at my side.
Any surgery, operation, disease, illness or event that occurs or shows first signs or symptoms within initial 30 days of the term of the policy.
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