Sentences with phrase «injuries someone sustained in the accident»

Designers and manufacturers of bus parts and buses also can be responsible for injuries sustained in an accident if there was a defect in the design or manufacture process.
The cost of this coverage compared to the costs of injuries sustained in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver will be minimal.
This covers medical or funeral expenses resulting from injuries sustained in an accident involving the covered car.
Have you or your loved one been treated for serious injuries sustained in an accident caused by someone's negligence?
Payments toward the cost of medical and funeral expenses resulting from injuries sustained in an accident involving a covered vehicle.
If you have been the victim of a catastrophic injury sustained in an accident caused by the negligence of another then you may be able to collect money damages for your injuries.
The required coverage is for bodily injuries sustained in an accident as well as property damage sustained in an accident.
An expert may also be able to speak to the accident victim's projected loss of earnings over a specific time period due to catastrophic injuries sustained in an accident.
It not only can cover physical property damage to the vehicles involved in an accident, but it pays medical expenses for physical injuries sustained in the accident.
An auto accident victim may be able to settle with an insurance company for minor injuries sustained in an accident.
Actually: Often the victims of a car collision do not recognize or feel injuries sustained in an accident for days or weeks after the crash.
Our client's injuries sustained in the accident required a complete hip and shoulder replacement.
This type of motorcycle insurance covers injuries sustained in an accident by yourself or one of your passengers, regardless of who is at fault.
The amount of money you ultimately receive depends on what type of injuries you sustained in your accident.
[13] The most serious injury sustained in the accident was a displaced fracture of the orbital floor on the right side of his face.
Similar to sick days, he may make a claim for a lost vacation day when he used this benefit while recovering from injuries sustained in the accident.
Liability coverage for all bodily injuries sustained in an accident must be a minimum of $ 40,000.
However, if that's not the case, opting for this benefit can pay for injuries sustained in an accident.
This coverage insures passengers in the covered vehicle against the financial cost of medical care stemming from injuries sustained in an accident in that vehicle.
The Plaintiff sought to recover for personal injuries sustained in an accident at a steel mill.
Represented major oil and gas services provider in lawsuit filed by employee due to serious burn injuries sustained in accident at natural gas processing plant.
If you or someone you love is suffering from soft tissue injuries sustained in an accident, several types of therapists may be able to help you, including chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, massage therapists and naturopathic doctors.
Uninsured motorist coverage pays for medical and other associated costs related to dealing with injuries sustained in accidents with uninsured drivers in which the uninsured motorist was at fault.
So far, I have chosen to do my own marketing, but progress has been slow as it's taken me a year to recover from injuries sustained in an accident just after my book went «live».
Mr Justice Wolf (as he then was) was satisfied on the medical evidence that the head injury sustained in the accident had caused the claimant to commit them.
Pain and suffering can only be awarded in these claims if the decedent was conscious for a time before dying from fatal injuries sustained in the accident.
Injuries sustained in an accident such as this warrant compensation, especially if they result in ongoing pain and suffering.
Represented major integrated oil and gas company in lawsuit filed by employee due to injuries sustained in accident on a rig off the coast of Equatorial Guinea.
While you recover from your painful injuries sustained in the accident, medical expenses are mounting and the wages you would normally use to pay for them are lost due to time off the job.
While nothing can fully compensate a family for the loss of a loved one or a devastating injury sustained in an accident, monetary compensation can play a significant role in a victim's ability to move on with his or her life.
Bodily Injury Liability insurance covers any medical treatment, rehabilitation and lost wages claims from other parties due to injuries sustained in an accident where you are the «at fault» party.
The issue then becomes whether the plaintiff has satisfied the onus upon her to show that she is totally disabled as a result of injuries sustained in the accident...
October 14, 2010 — Marcia Kearney, 54, from Northampton, Massachusetts has died as a result of serious personal injuries sustained in an accident involving her motor scooter.
A federal district court ruled earlier this year that the plaintiffs» claim alleging a freight company's liability for injuries sustained in an accident caused by the negligence of a driver employed by another company hired to transport materials on the freight company's behalf should be heard by a jury.
Catastrophic injury is a term used to describe any physical injuries sustained in an accident or as the result of another's negligence that necessitate serious, long - term and / or lifelong medical treatment and care.
After hearing the competing evidence the court found that «the increase in (the Plaintiff's) headaches and neck and shoulder pain is causally related to the soft tissue injuries she sustained in the accident.
While it's true that even a seemingly minor injury sustained in an accident can be detrimental to a person's everyday life, a «catastrophic injury» is generally defined as harm that causes the plaintiff long - term, if not permanent, disability and disfigurement.
Steve, the plaintiff, seeks damages for bodily injury he sustained in the accident.
[55] I find that the plaintiff also suffered from the following, less serious injuries sustained in the accidents:
The documentary evidence that the plaintiff completed herself in April and May 2009 belied the suggestion that she was still considerably disabled from injury sustained in the accident or that she was suffering back and knee pain.
Uninsured Motorist Coverage: Uninsured Motorist coverage compensates you and your passengers for injuries sustained in an accident caused by a driver who has no insurance or by a hit - and - run driver.
The unborn daughter of, the Tony - Award winning actress who was severely hurt while pregnant in a deadly Brooklyn crash, has died from injuries sustained in the accident.
It is your personal injury lawyers job to present clear evidence on the duties their client is or is not able to perform; and if conceivable — conclude how the injuries sustained in the accident has left them unemployable.
Following a same - day hospital emergency room or urgent care visit, it is important to immediately start treating with a health care provider for injuries sustained in the accident.
The injuries I sustained in an accident made everything so hard to deal with.
[36] Although the force of the impact is a factor to be considered in assessing the injuries sustained in an accident, it is only one factor to be considered.
Chicago car accident lawyers understand that the injuries sustained in an accident can be minor, serious, or even fatal depending on the facts of the particular crash, with some accidents changing a victim's life forever.
As a result of her injuries sustained in the accident, our client incurred over $ 14,000.00 in medical expenses.
Kratt reportedly died as a result of the injuries she sustained in the accident.
For instance, if a plaintiff's remaining life expectancy prior to an accident was 40 years, but the injuries she sustained in the accident lowered her life expectancy to 20 years, she is entitled to future lost wages based on the 40 - year life expectancy balance.
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