Sentences with phrase «injury in a car accident»

If you have suffered injuries in a car accident due to someone else's negligence, you need an experienced car accident lawyer at your side.
When you suffer serious injuries in a car accident due to another driver's negligence or wrongful conduct, you may be able to recover compensation by filing a personal injury claim.
Often individuals do not go to the doctor after sustaining injuries in an car accident and instead try to «self - treat» so they do not incur medical bills.
For example, you could sustain a traumatic brain injury in a car accident or in a fall.
Is an employer ever liable for personal injuries in a car accident caused by its employee drinking and driving?
He wakes up in hospital several days later, where he's told that he suffered a severe head injury in a car accident.
A study done in 2007 found that children under 2 are 75 percent less likely to suffer severe or fatal injuries in a car accident if they are rear facing.
To protect yourself from injury in a car accident, start by practicing safe driving behaviors.
$ 2 million recovered for a man who suffered a back injury in a car accident where there was no physical damage to the vehicles involved.
This personal injury claimant suffered soft tissue injuries in a car accident which developed into pain disorder.
We act for clients who suffered spinal cord injuries in car accidents, falls, accidents at work or medical negligence.
Airbags are intended to prevent passenger vehicle occupants from sustaining severe injuries in car accidents.
If you sustained a neck injury in a car accident and are interested in taking legal action against the liable party, you may need the representation and guidance of a knowledgeable attorney.
If you've suffered a serious knee injury in a car accident or on - the - job accident, you may require such lengthy courses of treatment.
Whether you have suffered catastrophic injuries in a car accident, dog bite or slip - and - fall, we have the experience to help you obtain maximum compensation.
The intention is to shift the focus from standard cash settlements for minor injuries to an emphasis on delivering treatment plans for commonly received injuries in car accidents.
A «one - time event» might include a fall, a burn, or injuries in a car accident while making a delivery for the company.
This is especially true if you have sustained serious physical injuries in the car accident.
We seldom consider the fact that even a minor injury in a car accident to us, or someone else can be very expensive.
There are two primary factors that determine how likely you are to sustain a chest injury in a car accident: your age and the type of crash.
The most common brain injury in a car accident is a concussion which is a type of closed head injury, meaning no fractures were created by the impact.
Our firm was founded over 18 years ago, and over that time, we have successfully recovered millions of dollars for those who have suffered personal injuries in car accidents.
If you suffer a head injury in a car accident, you could wind up with lasting vision problems.
If you have sustained injuries in a car accident, it is in your best interest to speak with an attorney from our firm today.
If you or someone you know sustained a back injury in a car accident, it's important to talk to an experienced lawyer.
If you have suffered a serious injury in a car accident, we would be happy to answer your questions.
If you were injured or your loved one was injured or sustained fatal injuries in a car accident in Goldsboro, please don't hesitate to contact the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin to arrange a free case evaluation.
Unfortunately, if someone suffers injuries while in your home or someone suffers injuries in a car accident for which you are at fault, the person could sue you for more than just what you have in the bank.
If you or a family member have sustained a traumatic brain injury in a car accident caused by another party's negligence, you have the right to seek compensation for the full measure of your past, present, and future damages.
Unfortunately, she sustained fatal injuries in a car accident on 12/23/16.
Because studies have confirmed that teen drivers are «over-represented» in the statistics for injuries in car accidents as well as fatalities in crashes, there are continuing efforts to try and combat the danger of teenage drivers getting involved in an accident while driving a motor vehicle.
Individuals who have suffered serious injuries in car accidents often require medical diagnostic imaging, hospital stays, physical therapy, in - home care, rehabilitative care, and long term follow - up visits with specialists such as neurologists, orthopedic surgeons, and pain management.
Seventy percent of such claims are won by the defendant, dismissed or dropped because they have no merit, but when juries do award damages they give health care injury claimants significantly more for their «pain and suffering» than persons who have incurred the same kinds of injuries in car accidents or other settings.
Neck and chest injuries are also common injuries in car accidents.
Placing the clip over the abdomen can cause internal injuries in a car accident.
found that children under 2 are 75 percent less likely to suffer severe or fatal injuries in a car accident if they are rear facing.
These injuries are more obvious and include the common muscle strain, a twisted ankle, or traumatizing a muscle from a fall or whiplash - type injury in a car accident.
In fact, studies have shown that more than 70 percent of car and booster seats were improperly used in a way that could actually increase the risk of child injuries in a car accident.
Vehicle defects can cause or exacerbate injury in car accidents, but without an experienced attorney on your side, these defects may go unnoticed.
Your head and brain are especially susceptible to injury in a car accident where not much force is needed for anyone to suffer a concussion or even a traumatic brain injury (TBI), which can lead to long lasting or permanent cognitive and physical problems.
A passenger who was riding with the trooper suffered critical injuries in the car accident.
If you or a loved one suffered significant injuries in a car accident in Virginia, The Jeff Brooke Team is here to help.
Motorists who sustain brain and spinal cord damage, broken bones and disfiguring injuries in car accidents receive the aggressive advocacy they deserve — from the Corry Law Firm.
If you or someone you know has sustained a spine injury in a car accident in Boise, an experienced car accident lawyer from our firm can help.
Wrist fractures are a frequent injury in car accidents usually due to the force exerted when sudden impact forces the drivers hand back on the steering wheel.
If you have suffered a personal injury in a car accident let the Law Offices of William H. Harding fight for you.
The CDC reports that more than 32,000 people are killed and another 2 million suffer injuries in car accidents across the country every year.
If you suffer a degloving injury in a car accident, be sure to call the police and request a police report.
GJEL attorneys recovered $ 100,000 from Allstate in this case for a 70 - year - old Berkeley driver who suffered an arm injury in a car accident.
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