Sentences with phrase «injury while build muscle»

Ryan: As a 43 - year - old who is not an advanced lifter, are higher rep ranges and the use of machines superior to avoid injury while build muscle?

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While technically this is true, the RDA is based on the protein needs of a sedentary individual, not the needs of anyone who is active, growing, trying to build muscle mass or who is recovering from an injury.
Putting these five keys to use will ensure proper deadlift form without the risk of injury and build an all - around powerful, muscular, shredded physique while strengthening all the major muscle groups.
Learning the correct technique for your chosen weight lifting exercises is the best way to more build muscle and gain strength faster, while preventing injury.
They do it so often they are causing more catabolism (breakdown of muscle tissue) than build up and risking injury while they do it.
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