Sentences with phrase «inner attitude»

Posture means both outer position of the body as well as inner attitude and so, as someone's teacher, I am watching for both.
After a talk I gave recently, I received an email from an attendee who'd been up late grappling with a question: «How can I acquire and maintain a positive inner attitude
Jesus, we saw, stressed continually the necessity of right inner attitudes but never in dissociation from the concrete decisions men must make in daily life.
Cultivating a positive inner attitude is key to sending that message.
It is a sermon not just about outward actions and behavior, but about the inner attitude of the heart.
In gentler tones this is also the burden of the Sermon on the Mount where, without any abrogating of the Ten Commandments, the emphasis is shifted away from legalism to those inner attitudes that determine the nature of a man, and hence his acts.
With due regard for the fact that no poll can give a true picture of inner attitudes and no individual can judge himself with full objectivity, it is apparent that the great majority of the American public think of themselves, not as perfect, but as pretty good; and that the deeper meaning of sin as transgression of the law of God and lovelessness in the subtler aspects of human relations has hardly crossed their minds.
The more they focused on outward actions, the less attention they gave to inner attitudes.
Now if there is this opacity in Jehu, it is not just because of his inner attitude, his affirmation that «I alone have done it.»
The whole question may in fact be reduced to two points — the inner attitude, and the choice of means.
The sanctified separates himself from evil in his inner attitude.
The other Commandments deal with actions, and we might be able to refrain from the overt act of killing, committing adultery, or stealing, but this Commandment deals with the inner attitudes, and obviously it is far more difficult to prohibit attitudes than it is to prohibit actions.
So let us look at each side of this paradox of Jesus in order to discover what it has to say about our inner attitudes and motives.
I see his point, but it seems that the emphasis on right action can lead to lead to legalism and an emphasis on outward behavior rather than the inner attitude of hearth, something Jesus and the Prophets frequently criticized.
Kavanah represents a deliberate concentration of will, an inner attitude which is far more effective than the particular nature of the action being performed.
Within the Jewish tradition, one of the Ten Commandments prohibits «coveting,» which is an inner attitude; and Jesus condemned the pious people who ignored the beaten man on the road to Jericho.
It can so often be converted into a bracing and tonic good by a simple change of the sufferer's inner attitude from one of fear to one of fight; its sting so often departs and turns into a relish when, after vainly seeking to shun it, we agree to face about and bear it cheerfully, that a man is simply bound in honor, with reference to many of the facts that seem at first to disconcert his peace, to adopt this way of escape.
«The greatest revolution in our generation is that of human beings, who by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.»
Explore the proper alignment, an inner attitude of victory, and a steady breath to reveal a new sense of freedom in your pose.
Quote of the day: «The greatest revolution in our generation is that of human beings, who by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.»
It's important that your outer faà § ade matches your inner attitude.
She considers herself homely, and her dull outward appearance mirrors her inner attitude.
Gratitude can be defined as an inner attitude best understood as the opposite of resentment or complaint.
Profound sportiness is a question of inner attitude, and this is answered emphatically by the new GTS interior package — reserved exclusively for the Macan GTS.
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