Sentences with phrase «inner child still»

They're perfect for the grownup whose inner child still jumps for joy at the mention of donuts.
Remember that childlike part of yourself that put your happiness first; well, you are still in there (likely under a barrage of self - doubt and anxiety), but your inner child still exists.

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Yet thou, her child whose head is crowned with flame Still wilt not hear thine inner God proclaim - «Turn back, O Man, forswear thy foolish ways».5
Turning on one's inner Child is difficult if teenage children (who are very skillful in activating our Parent side) are still in the house.
Stacey Ferguson, Justice Fergie [«Cheer for Your Cheerleaders»] Kristin Shaw, Two Cannoli [«You Know Your Child Best»] Aviva Goldfarb, The Scramble [«Always the Potential for Good»] Margo Porras, Nacho Mama [«Your Kids Will Do What You Do»] Emily McKhann, The Motherhood [«You Are Courageous»] Jane Maynard, This Week for Dinner [«Savor Even the Hard Seconds»] Mary Ann Zoellner, producer at NBC's TODAY [«Play Like a Dad»] Lian Dolan, [«Life is Serious Enough»] Maria Bailey, Mom Talk Radio [«Take Time to Celebrate You»] Christie Matheson, Stroller Traffic [«Nothing Better Than Coming Home»] Carla Naumburg, [«You Are Not Your Thoughts»] Jenny Lee Sulpizio, [«I'm Not Above Mom Jeans»] Kimberly Coleman, Foodie City Mom [«Follow Your Own Inner Voice»] Missy Stevens, Wonder, Friend [«Nice Things Are Still Just Things»] Rachel Jankovic, Femina Girls [«It's Not Supposed to Be Easy»] Megan Brooks, Texas Health Moms [«The Love Language of Listening»] Carissa Rogers, Good N Crazy [«Here's to Embracing Change»] Dina Freeman, BabyCenter [«Learn to Swim in the Deep End»] Elizabeth Grant Thomas, [«It's Easier to See Light in Darkness»] Wendy Hilton, Hip Homeschool Moms [«They Want to Make Us Happy»] Renée Schuls - Jacobson, [«Beware of Emotional Vampires»] Shannon Lell, [«Don't Be Afraid to Sparkle»] Bunmi Laditan, Honest Toddler [«What Makes You a Writer»] Erin Dymoski, Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms [«What I'd Tell My Younger Self»] Lyss Stern, [«Those Who Matter Don't Mind»] Debra Shigley, In Deb's Kitchen [«Feeling Bad?
She still enjoys teaching art and photography independently and through local arts organization partnerships and she has founded her own business, Inner Child Art Studio, creating custom ultrasound paintings.
Your inner beauty reflects also in the outside, my dear friend =) love your look, that's a perfect dress and I do understand your feelings about your own victories, I was a shy child myself and still now I am always anxious when I have to speak in public.
Now, I'm sure you're all wondering how you too can channel your inner child while still looking like the adult that you are.
I'm a Gentleman that still believes in bringing out the inner Goddess while playfully enjoying the freedom of our inner child I'll never retire as long as I can bring a Positive note to Humanity.
I still love playing games that are cartoony and childish at my age because they're loads of fun, and also because it satisfies my inner child.
Carsten Höller confronts one's inner child with a scientist's adult conscience, and neither wins out — but Leandro Erlich offers still more indoor rides and attractions.
Some readers still buy the «pox on both their houses» idea about this election, — the fossil fuel industry knows that is definitely not so, and would very much like you Johnson / Stein folks to stay strong and express your inner child.
Or sometimes our Inner Child is still quite wounded from the traumas of childhood.
Sometimes when we did not grow up with models of this type of relationship, when our current relationship is stagnant from conflict, betrayal or distance, or our inner child is still hurting from lack of attunement from when we were young, seeking the assistance of a couples therapist can be helpful.
However, the group of children who moved with their mothers or stayed with their mothers when their father moved still had less inner turmoil and distress than children who either moved with their fathers or stayed behind with their fathers when their mothers moved.
Using Pia Mellody's Post-Induction Therapy, Amy helps clients move beyond the impact of childhood as they identify wounds, release negative emotions still carried, and learn to re-parent their inner child.
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