Sentences with phrase «inner echo of»

His fear of being considered inadequate — an inner echo of his mother calling him stupid — helped offset his thick physique.

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But in Western culture, Bowman explains (echoing Nietzsche), primitive honor did battle for centuries with the Christ - ideal of inner virtue, humility, and turning the other cheek.
I wrote a post called «Your inner Theist» echoing some of your thoughts from an Atheist perspective.
He concluded, «Ultimately, the future of missions to Muslims will be affected less by the flames of 9/11, or even the flames that started the Arab Spring, than by the inner flames that are ignited if we so follow our Lord, who modeled the basin and the towel, that our Muslim friends may echo the words of the disciples in Emmaus: «Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?
Analyzing these echoes, scientists found a marked difference in the structure of iron crystals in the inner and outer regions of the inner core.
Paradoxically (and without spoiling the plot), Swanberg finds the touchstone of identity in social relations, and finds the inner life in constant echo with the uneasy negotiations between people, whether the characters» nearest and dearest or sudden new connections.
His approach echoes Terrence Malick in its emphasis on the fluidity of nature and the inner monologue of voiceover sifting through the story like fingers through grass.
The book is mostly an account of his four years as an elementary teacher in a Toronto inner - city school, first narrated in his 1980 Cries from the Corridor, and it echoes the customary critical pedagogue's conclusion that the school must be foremost a «social and moral agent.»
The bold design language of EXP 9 F is complemented by twin exhaust tailpipes with «rifled» inner surfaces, their elliptical shapes echoing those of the rear light clusters.
In the prose style of your novel, as well as in its concern for the inner reflections of a troubled youth, some readers may catch echoes of Burgess and Sillitoe.
The same violet paint defines two circles of soft, irregular contours that ring the center, the inner one with a streak of grass green echoed in the outer ring by a streak of deep purple.
Whispers of narrative are gently echoed throughout the body of work, a meditative arc that quietly pulses beneath the surface of the image and the viewer's own «inner landscape.»
After having focused in recent years on large - scale public commissions, Dahlberg produced a new series of works with a more intimate and personal approach, echoing an inner... Continua a leggere
These problems appear to have been echoed in the subsequent corrosion of the bronze, resulting in deposits of copper salts on the inner surfaces (Tate Gallery Conservation Files).
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