Sentences with phrase «inner ecosystem»

In addition, its cleansing effect on the whole body helps to establish a balanced inner ecosystem for optimum health and longevity.
«The missing link in the health of many babies being born today is establishing the presence of a healthy inner ecosystem where good microflora outnumber the bad.»
Body Ecology is the premier system for health and healing that can help you create a vibrant inner ecosystem where yeast infections (candida) and other pathogens will NOT want to live.
After 25 years of studying Eastern healing systems and Western fad diets, international best - selling author Donna Gates, M.Ed., ABAAHP, world - renowned teacher and lecturer, discovered the key to health and longevity... a flourishing inner ecosystem living inside your intestines.
«Unfortunately, most people today have damaged inner ecosystems from environmental toxins, processed foods, drugs and a stressful lifestyle.
What you eat is crucial to maintaining a healthful inner ecosystem; in addition to calorie restriction / intermittent fasting, avoiding excess sugars and grains and eating plenty of traditionally fermented foods are important
Nourish Your Cells: A robust inner ecosystem that's teeming with friendly microbes requires healthy mucosal tissue — in other words, the lining of the gut needs to be strong.
Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet of processed foods, an overload of environmental toxins and chronic stress - harbingers of the modern world - have created an epidemic of unhealthy inner ecosystems.
The Body Ecology Diet and associated products are all specifically designed to help cultivate, nourish, cleanse, and repair this abundant inner ecosystem.
«You can go a long way to building youthful vitality inside and out when you re-establish a thriving inner ecosystem.
This diet is designed to help your child «cultivate, nourish, cleanse and repair their impaired inner ecosystem
Unfortunately, most people (especially those who suffer from yeast infections) have imbalanced inner ecosystems.
Aside from the benefits of having a balanced inner ecosystem and the strengthening of your immune system, you also get some great cures that come from it.
A robust immune system, supported by your flourishing inner ecosystem, is your number one defense against ALL disease, from the common cold to cancer.
Fermentation pre-digests the food for you, making it easier to digest as you rebuild your inner ecosystem.
Nobel Prize winner Joshua Lederberg dubbed this inner ecosystem a microbiome, acknowledging its complexity and interconnectedness.
The idea is that when your inner ecosystem is balanced, your whole body microbiome will be balanced, including the bacteria on and under the surface of your skin.
You can help your body maximize nutrient absorption and preserve the integrity of your gut barrier by consuming glutamine - rich foods (such as bone broth) to protect the intestinal wall and prebiotic foods to support the inner ecosystem.
«A healthy gut extends beyond eating fiber - rich whole foods and keeping our inner ecosystem balanced, i.e., probiotics, prebiotics, and «bad» bacteria in check,» she says.
But if you feel sluggish, have bowel disorders, are bloated and carrying extra weight, or have frequent colds or flu, then your inner ecosystem might be out of balance.
Your inner ecosystem is made of beneficial bacteria and yeast (probiotics) that live in your intestines, keeping you healthy and strong.
In 1994, Donna introduced the natural sweetener Stevia to the U.S. and began teaching about fermented foods and coined the phrase «inner ecosystem» to describe the network of microbes that maintains our basic physiological processes — from digestion to immunity.
Donna Gates, the creator of this diet argues that ingesting cultured foods helps one reestablish one's «inner ecosystem» and also improves digestion, helps control cravings, and provide an alkalinizing effect on the entire body.
However, when fermented, the pasteurized juice is revitalized with enzymes and lactobacilli to build one's inner ecosystem and contains much less sugar than the original beverage.
At Parsley Health, we often guide members through an elimination diet to help remove foods that are uniquely irritating to them and help balance their inner ecosystem.
Include plenty of fermented foods rich in probiotics to rebuild your inner ecosystem.
After all, you don't want the bad guys crashing your party and destroying your inner ecosystem, right?
When your inner ecosystem is in balance, your intestines are teeming with the beneficial bacteria and yeast (microflora) that keep your immune system strong.
The key to enhanced and vibrant health is restoring and maintaining your inner ecosystem in your digestive tract, which means promoting the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora.
«We can also influence our inner ecosystem by changing what we eat so that our bacteria begin to crave the right foods.
It's your inner ecosystem, teaming with healthy microflora (good bacteria and yeast, also known as probiotics) that reside in your intestines, keeping you healthy, strong... and yes, youthful.
Conventional foods are sprayed with all sorts of harmful pesticides that can damage our inner ecosystems.
I regularly consume kefir milk with lemon to cleanse my digestive tract, flush out harmful bacteria from my colon, boost my immune system, lower my cholesterol level, keep my blood pressure in check and keep my inner ecosystems functioning properly and well - balanced.
If you read the Body Ecology Diet, by Donna Gates, she lays out a straight forward approach to getting our «inner ecosystem» working.
The vicious cycle of low stomach acid affects your inner ecosystem too.
Deep within the unseen world of your intestines you have an inner ecosystem.
The key to eliminating yeast infections is to build your inner ecosystem with healthy microflora and Body Ecology can show you how!
Again, even this healthiest version of molasses will feed candida and would only be eaten on an empty stomach (see honey above) after your inner ecosystem is well established and your candida symptoms have completely disappeared.
Not only will feel better as you build back your inner ecosystem, but also you will look healthier too!
The Body Ecology Diet shows you how healing can be achieved by restoring your body's inner ecosystem.
Kefir is a cultured, enzyme - rich food filled with friendly micro-organisms that help balance your «inner ecosystem
Inspired by the age when one never travelled with one's luggage, Rolls - Royce has created a glass partition isolating the passenger cabin from the luggage compartment, creating an inner ecosystem for the occupants.

Phrases with «inner ecosystem»

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