Sentences with phrase «inner energy»

Helps a person observe more and get in touch with inner energy.
You'll see that once you learn to love yourself, engage with your powerful inner energy, and begin living your life on your own terms, everything changes.
(Some scientists now find evidence for both forces in the universe.5) Gnostic and charismatic approaches assume the spontaneous inner energy of the known world, whether in the cosmos itself (the gnostic view), or by active spirit, as the charismatic view has it.
About Blog Sahaja is a unique meditation technique that enables you to harness the power of your own inner energy to improve every aspect of your mind, body and soul.
In these styles, asanas are practiced using breath, drishti (gaze) and the introduction of bandhas (inner energy locks).
(8) Experiencing the energy of hope for change when we are traumatized by crises, provides the power that is essential for mobilizing our inner
As a student of meditation and innovative psychology, I've found that when you're working to change inner energy, there is a profound marriage between breathwork and movement.
Restore the subtle inner energies with yoga and meditation in the lotus petal Dharma Shanti Bale.
Her brisk personality & inexhaustible inner energy accurately question our technology - based contemporary time.
Loie Hollowell paints elements of the female form as mandala - like abstractions that pulsate with a spellbinding inner energy.
Fantastic beings — from both the mythical past and the dream world of today — float through scenes of metamorphosis, in which rocks, water, trees, and buildings pulse with inner energy.
About Blog Sahaja is a unique meditation technique that enables you to harness the power of your own inner energy to improve every aspect of your mind, body and soul.
In these styles, asana are practiced using breath, drishti (gaze) and bandhas (inner energy locks).
Denying an inner energy in life, the tragic and ironic stories told about my cancer spoke instead of decline into the dissolution of death.
I saw the new intellectual movement associated with Solidarnosc as part of the inner energy of the economic thinking of Pope John Paul II, part of his concrete, this - worldly hope for a New Civilization of Love.
Thus, the inner energy of the system qua system is entirely moral» and it has been transformative of the human condition.
These longstanding roles can be such beautiful expressions of our inner energy.
Your mind went from focusing on an outer dimension to connecting with an inner energy center called Anahata.
This is great way of awakening our inner energy centers and electrifying the subtle inner workings of the body.
To be present in the moment and engage soulfully in acts of love and passion is sourced from this inner energy.
Kundalini Yoga is an esoteric school of yoga which deals with awakening of the inner energy or power dormant in every human being called Kundalini Shakti.
Notice that beneath the body's surface — beneath the rise and fall of the breath, even beneath the flow of inner energy — there lies a tranquil sea of quiet and ease.
An inner energy powers our body and mind, flowing through passageways that branch and intersect like the streets and highways through a city.
With his devotion, practice and long experience of doing what he teaches master Vidhi connects the spiritual dots that very few Gurus / teachers like to talk about or teach in a form that can awaken the inner energy, empower you and be used by the common man.
In the theory of positive disintegration (TPD), Dabrowski described overexcitabilities (OEs), manifestations of inner energy with a developmental purpose that appear more common in gifted individuals.
By practicing these workouts, you will be able to awaken your inner energy.
Using bronze for its perenniality and the vibrational quality, he aims to dissect these natural elements, representing the inner energy harnessed by his chosen materials.
A leading figure of China's New Generation artists, Qiu Xiaofei has long focused on the inner energy and expressive potential of the act of painting.
Later, in the period of Neo-Expressionism, and in the works of Jean - Michel Basquiat for example, we can understand the distorted figure to represent the inner world of the artist, and the expressive way of depicting the figure to suggest the inner energy, sometimes even the struggle.
As his stretched sculptures visually pull apart the natural objects that surround us, he aims to dissect these natural elements with the bronze that represents the inner energy harnesses by his chosen materials.
You don't have to hide your inner energy, however, with vibrant orange and modernly cool green models also available.
On the other hand, positive people are in tune with their inner energy sources.
About Blog Sahaja is a unique meditation technique that enables you to harness the power of your own inner energy to improve every aspect of your mind, body and soul.

Phrases with «inner energy»

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