Sentences with phrase «inner group»

the idea of most devout is lacking of the true understanding that was spoken of in mark by jesus, it is a sercet teaching... most inner groups have them to create a hierarchy inside the group, a form of control.
At such times I felt strongly the influence of my inner group of more experienced practitioners, whose gentleness and poise were the best advertisement for the long - term efficacy of the undertaking.
They laughed initially at the promise in The Cloud of Unknowing that such practice would make the ugliest person magnetically attractive; but I noticed that my inner group readily assented to this idea.
Some of my inner group had found that, over time, the practice improved their posture: they held themselves with greater surety and dignity, and with straighter backs.
The number of this inner group came to be fixed at twelve.
Silencing the professional mourners outside the house, Jesus takes the inner group of favorite disciples with him to the girl's side.
The command of poverty, the watchword to «follow» Jesus on his journeyings, holds good only for the inner group of disciples; it states the presuppositions of their existence; it says nothing about moral duty as having any value by itself.
The modern theory, which swept away every authority except that of the State, and has made the sovereign power irresistible by multiplying those who share it... condemns as a State within the State every inner group and community, class or corporation, administering its own affairs; and, by proclaiming the abolition of privileges, it emancipates the subjects of every such authority in order to transfer them exclusively to its own....
There are a lot of little jokes that seem rather harmless to me and I may even share some of them with my inner group of friends away from the internet but the internet is so massive that you have to restrain yourself rather than using them whether they seem appropriate or not.
This rapidly dividing ball of cells separates into two sections: the inner group of cells will become the embryo and the outer group of cells will burrow into the uterine wall for nourishment.
Within the blastocyst, the inner group of cells will become the embryo.
This «two - speed» EU is weak at home and internationally — with a divided inner core, plus an outer core divided in itselfnd from the inner group.
Criticisms of Cameron include relying too heavily on an inner group of advisers - «the chumocracy» - who he had known from school or university.
There will be no inner group of EU countries distorting the single market via the treaty.»
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