Sentences with phrase «innocent children suffering»

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I refuse to believe in a Holy god that allows innocent children to suffer ANY kind of way.
Why the RCC thought their priests were above the law and why they cared more for the reputation of their priests more than for the innocent children that suffered at the hands of these horrible men is beyond me.
Scripture says that anyone that causes an innocent child to suffer and fall would be better off having a millstone around their neck and cast into the sea than face God's judgement.
Everything to me is questioned by the tear of suffering in an innocent child
You don't show any care for the life that child will endure because if a woman wants an abortion and isn't allowed one, chances are that poor innocent child is going to suffer for it.
If his God could cure him with the power of prayer, how can that God sit by while innocent women and children suffer and die just because they don't have a white protestant christian praying for them?
The suffering of a single innocent child is an irrefutable rebuttal of the notion of the almighty and kindly God in heaven.
In his own homily, the Pope took up the theme of suffering innocent children, but wisely extended it to children everywhere.
The prototypical human experience for Berger that becomes the acid test for religion is the suffering of innocent children.
Berger returns again and again throughout the chapters of his book to this prototypical relationship between a parent and child and finds the unnecessary suffering and death of children, and all innocents, to be humanly unacceptable.
It is difficult, above all, to figure out the meaning of innocent suffering, the spectacle of unmerited retribution to which Dostoevsky kept returning under the rubric «the tears of a child
Look into the eyes of a suffering victim of any of the multiple disfiguring, debilitating, painful diseases that your «loving» god has purportedly created, or those of a starving innocent child in Africa.
She told her friends afterwards that her urge to rage at a universe that could subject a fragile innocent child to such suffering was tempered only by the memory of some words of William Sloane Coffin: «When tragedy occurs, God's heart is the first of all to break».
I'm talking the suffering of absolute innocentschildren caught in war, in disasters, through absolutely no fault of their own.
But this guy is telling you suffering is good while he burns your children alive in his fantasies of Hell, while imagining looking down on your suffering from Heaven where, thanks to psychotic «reasoning», people like him will be pampered forever while being praised for torturing innocent people to DEATH!!!!
«When you see this suffering of war day in and day out, women and children, innocent civilians, it is hard.
As Gob's obsessions deepen, we are taken from the battlefields at Chickamauga Creek to the society balls of New York, from innocent childhoods in Homer, Ohio, to the building of the Brooklyn Bridge; and as the machine grows, so does the amazing cast of real and imagined characters: Walt Whitman, ministering lovingly to the Civil War wounded; Mrs. Woodhull and her sister Tennessee, doing business on Wall Street and riding churning tides of scandal; Gob's friend Will Fie, a war veteran who builds a house from glass images of suffering and death; Maci Trufant, Victoria Woodhull's protege and Gob's great love; and even unnatural Pickie Beecher, a child who seems to float sinisterly between the living and the dead.
At the center: a woman who calls herself Bride, whose stunning blue - black skin is only one element of her beauty, her boldness and confidence, her success in life; but which caused her light - skinned mother to deny her even the simplest forms of love until she told a lie that ruined the life of an innocent woman, a lie whose reverberations refuse to diminish... Booker, the man Bride loves and loses, whose core of anger was born in the wake of the childhood murder of his beloved brother... Rain, the mysterious white child, who finds in Bride the only person she can talk to about the abuse she's suffered at the hands of her prostitute mother... and Sweetness, Bride's mother, who takes a lifetime to understand that «what you do to children matters.
It's a shame because in the end the dog (and sometimes an innocent child) suffers for it in the end.
I want to see those innocent children smile faces, not worry and suffering faces.
The people who suffer the most damage as a result of the above noted behaviour are the innocent children who have to sense and go through this unnecessary animosity.
At Wilshire Law Firm, it always saddens us to see innocent children and their families suffer because of someone else's mistake.
Danczuk said the effect of parental alienation for the target parent can be «unimaginable» but innocent children can suffer long term and usually deal with the negative effects of it.
If you are reading this petition find it in your heart to understand the pain and the suffering of innocent children.
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