Sentences with phrase «innovative classroom models»

Teachers are also taking advantage of technology to implement innovative classroom models such as flipped learning or blended learning.
Participants noted that for educators pursuing innovative classroom models, breaking down those silos was critical.

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Future research at the federal and state levels should evaluate different educational instructional models, innovative strategies to implement information technology in the classroom and instructional quality in correctional education settings, Bozick said.
Other professional development has related to leveraging Twitter to promote student learning, a look at the significance of higher - order questioning, and investigating innovative classroom and school models.
The district and other community groups also partner with Boston Children's Museum, which houses an innovative kindergarten model classroom as a permanent exhibit.
This theory of action provides additional classroom options for parents and spurs innovative human capital and teaching models.
For his innovative use of the flipped classroom model, Green has been asked to advise several organizations, including the Harvard Mazur Group and the TechSmith Corporation.
The day's agenda included an introduction to innovative models from Highline and Kent school districts and a tour of a dual language classroom at Scenic Hill Elementary.
She uses Socratic Seminar, differentiated group modeling, and peer partnership grouping as innovative instructional practices in her mathematics classroom.
Middle school and high school teachers are working to try innovative new models and include more STEM education in their classrooms.
Teachers increase their professional knowledge and skill and develop classrooms that are models of personalized learning and innovative practice.
«ASCD is dedicated to not only presenting educators with the most innovative teaching models, but also ensuring that they know how to take them from theory to implementation in any classroom
Additionally, by offering meals at no charge to all students, community eligibility makes it easier for schools to leverage innovative school breakfast service models, such as breakfast in the classroom, «grab and go» breakfast, and second chance breakfast.
Joe Corcoran, author of «Flipping Reading,» also focuses on the power of innovative teaching, presenting a case study of a flipped classroom model that has been successful in his Title I school.
«This Board built a master plan that focused on learning and teacher support first, then the technology, and they recognized that one PD model does not fit all teachers — all crucial elements to growing innovative practice beyond one classroom or school.»
While finding innovative solutions should be an inherent goal of any ICT class, not every school or classroom has the tools and experience to make the model succeed.
New Vista, which enrolls about 300 students, was praised for its community experience program, culminating project for graduating seniors, inclusive educational model and innovative classroom instruction.
How special education experts are using new technologies and innovative instructional models like the flipped classroom to help their students succeed.
Because our designs are sensitive to the relationship between classroom practice, policy, and targeted learning outcomes, we can successfully scale up our learning model - based research to create innovative assessment, learning, and evaluation systems for every age and type of program.
There are many successful schools and classrooms that do not label themselves as blended learning schools, they are simply neighborhoods schools that use innovative instructional models.
With the new and improved iBooks platform, Apple makes its way into the textbook business, not only offering an innovative way to design content for the classroom but also an interesting business model to make it affordable for schools and students.
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