Sentences with phrase «inoculations against»

Inoculations against typhoid, hepatitis and tetanus are advisable but consult your GP or travel clinic first.
We also highly recommended that dogs visiting establishments on behalf of Pets as Therapy should receive inoculations against Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvovirus at the frequency recommended on the product data sheets as recommended by your vet.
Additionally, it is recommended ferrets receive yearly inoculations against canine distemper (yes, «canine»).
It is also recommended that dogs visiting establishments on behalf of Pets as Therapy should receive inoculations against Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvovirus at the frequency recommended by your vet.
Genetic variations, immune deficiencies and environmental exposures all contribute to how a person's body reacts to inoculations against disease.
But this very fact provided an effective inoculation against any really revolutionary movement.
But good feeding practices and parenting will help that child live with confidence, provide some inoculation against future yo - yo dieting, and create a healthy relationship with food.
When Thomas Monath, an expert on vaccines combating mosquito - borne diseases, thinks about developing an inoculation against Zika virus, he has a major concern: Guillain — Barré syndrome.
I hope that promotion of knowledge about false memories may provide some inoculation against their harmful effects.»
Arriving in cinemas when it does, at a time of growing intolerance, much of del Toro's film feels like it is very much a movie of it's moment and time, and maybe this is largely because we need a movie that is this wonderfully romantic and this unusually lustful like we need an inoculation against the toxic news - cycle of the day and the easily upsetting parameters therein.
That is an inoculation against those who might try to undermine the effort by appointing detractors.
I can hardly imagine a better inoculation against the hidden curriculum of liberal do - gooders.
There is no inoculation against that.»
That's because the vaccine debate crystallized in 2009 - 2010 when media hype created a pandemic leading to mass inoculation against H1N1 (swine flu) that passed as weirdly as it arrived... By 2010, savvy dog breeders were rethinking vaccine protocol and the public said «no way» to that year's drugstore signs «get your flu shots here» See display links.
That's why combination vaccines include an inoculation against it.
In fact, these concepts of misconception - based learning and inoculation against myths were the basis of the free online Denial101x course developed by Cook and colleagues.

Not exact matches

They pray against plague and pestilence, but they are glad that they have quarantines, sanitation, and inoculation to depend upon.
That development is important because a T cell response will likely confer longer - term protection than current inoculations do and defend against a variety of flu strains (because T cells would be on the lookout for several different features of the flu virus whereas antibodies would be primarily focused on the shape of a specific strain).
The latest study is the most thorough large - scale study to date of the risk of febrile seizures following inoculation with the DTaP - IPV - Hib vaccine, which protects against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough), as well as polio and Haemophilus influenzae type b.
Rhodiola may act as a kind of «inoculation» against stress and help modulate the HPA axis (source).
The three parents, who are black, have filed a $ 500 million federal lawsuit against the district and the health department, contending that the inoculations constitute a «badge of slavery.»
Those who plan to board pets or to take them to dog shows, dog parks, or other gatherings should add Bordatella vaccine to their inoculation protocol to protect against kennel cough.
If your dog is currently treated with homeopathic prophylactics, this may continue until their next review, when inoculations using ethical veterinary products against leptospirosis, administered and certified by a registered veterinary surgeon must replace the use of homeopathic treatments.
In most cases the initial Inoculation and Kennel Cough Vaccine will be given on the Farm by an appointed vet and will incur additional call out charges, however, this is offset against the cost of providing accommodation in a halfway house facility before isolation and will ensure that the dogs only have to spend 3 weeks maximum in a kennel environment rather than five weeks.
All puppies were routinely vaccinated against canine distemper, adenovirus type 2, and parvovirus at the age of 8 weeks (primary inoculation) and 12 weeks (booster), and blood samples were taken at various time points after each vaccination event.
She was one of the first Russian rulers to help the poor, and was also the first leader to initiate a large scale inoculation program when in 1768 she immunized herself and her subjects against smallpox.
In the end, such inoculations are the only real protection against the vicissitudes of opinion.
Topics covered include rapport building and the beginning of restoration of the child's trust in an adult male, therapeutic contact negotiation, the introduction of metaphor, indirect referencing of the trauma and the process building toward explicit emotional disclosure and metaphoric retribution, the restoration of self - esteem, «emotional inoculation» against regression, and the emergence of a future - oriented perspective characterized by confidence and hopefulness.
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