Sentences with phrase «inscribed as»

In any event, what I'm left with after continually encountering Frida's Instagram thread for the past several years is, this is nothing short of a mobile repository, a litany of residua, a voluptuous trail of black continuity, pyramid schemata as densely inscribed as any book of the dead, not so much an archive as an ark, a borne witness to the singularity that is blackness.
The black gestural line in the left forearm of the figure in «Boy and Dog in a Johnnypump» is «written,» as in a graffitero's script, and «NEEET» is inscribed as though on a wall to the left.
These are inscribed as a series of regular loops resembling a Slinky on opaque fields of color, often in smaller paintings.
Jeju Volcanic Islands and Lava Tubes (Republic of Korea) was inscribed as a natural property of outstanding beauty which bears testimony to the history of our planet.
Although this inscribed as a national wildlife refuge, i...
Although this inscribed as a national wildlife refuge, it's still managed by the original family who founded it, so it's not public property and should be respected as such.
Lewa and Ngare Ndare Forest Reserve were inscribed as an extension to the Mount Kenya World Heritage site in June following Kenya's proposal to expand the boundary to include the cultural and traditional values of Mount Kenya.
Today Belize is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its Barrier Reef System being inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System (BBRRS), inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996, is comprised of seven protected areas; Bacalar Chico National Park and Marine Reserve, Blue Hole Natural Monument, Half Moon Caye Natural Monument, South Water Caye Marine Reserve, Glover's Reef Marine Reserve, Laughing Bird Caye National Park and Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve.
The «Stone Town of Zanzibar» was inscribed as World Heritage Site in 2000.
The Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California in northwestern Mexico were inscribed as a World Heritage Site during the Twenty - ninth Session of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO in...
It is mostly because of the important discoveries that al ain has been inscribed as a world heritage site by unesco.
In order to be inscribed as a World Heritage Site, nominations must show that they possess Outstanding Universal Value, which transcends borders.
Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument was inscribed as the first mixed (natural and cultural) UNESCO World Heritage Site in the United States in July 2010.
HONORED — J. B. (Ears) Whitworth, whose Alabama team lost 10 straight games this year, got unusual treatment from students, was gifted with plaque inscribed as follows: «The SGA [Student Government Association] honors the 1955 Crimson Tide and Coach J. B. Whitworth.
The cookbook will be signed and inscribed as you wish.
When a baking acquaintance gave me her sister's Rosette's recipe simply inscribed as «Mrs. Peterson's Vinartera or Iceland's National Cake,.
There is also a chiasm between thought and its object: «Being is the «place» where the «modes of consciousness» are inscribed as structurations of Being (a way of thinking oneself within a society is implied in its social structure), and where the structurations of Being are modes of consciousness» (VIV 253).
These we opened quickly, but it was many weeks before we got around to the last few boxes, those inscribed as «stuff from the den closet» and «miscellaneous / guest room.»

Not exact matches

As the yuan progressively reaches full consolidation in trade settlement, the petro - yuan threat to the US dollar, inscribed in a complex, long - term process, will disseminate the Holy Grail: crude oil futures contracts priced in yuan fully convertible into gold...
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops said: «The unique meaning of marriage as the union of one man and one woman is inscribed in our bodies as male and female.
Down till our day, the churches have continued blessing war and other means of deadly force, as for example during both WWI and WWII, the German soldiers wore belt buckles with the inscribed words «Gott mit uns», meaning «God is with us».
Further, the serpentine form Satan assumes in the Garden, as his gaze vectors toward the naked Eve, clearly inscribes his heterophallic orientation.
In this sense marriage, family, sexuality is something inscribed into our identity as human beings and not just a set of social conventions.
As for our country's moral plight: We once prided ourselves on endorsing the words of poet Emma Lazarus, who wrote the famous sonnet inscribed on the Statue of Liberty: «Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!
Nature, for the great 17th - century scientific pioneers was God's Book, inscribed with holy laws every bit as valid as the laws of the other book, Holy Scripture.
We find him speaking to the Greeks in their Areopagus: ``... as I was passing through and observing the objects of your worship, I even found an altar on which was inscribed TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.»
Committed as they are to Christ as the source and model of all that is holy, Christians are in no way exempted from obedience to the moral law permanently inscribed by the Creator in human nature (Romans 2:15).
Natural elements such as water, trees, and shrubs often play a part, along with victims» names inscribed in a way that invites touching, as with the bronze panels surrounding the 9/11 footprint - cavities.
That is why the crusades, despite their failure, can be considered one of the outstanding achievements of the medieval Church... As long as Christianity endures on earth, as long as there exists a civilisation from which Christian principles have not been wholly banished, there will be men to treasure these pages of sanctity and heroism, inscribed by the crusaders with their blooAs long as Christianity endures on earth, as long as there exists a civilisation from which Christian principles have not been wholly banished, there will be men to treasure these pages of sanctity and heroism, inscribed by the crusaders with their blooas Christianity endures on earth, as long as there exists a civilisation from which Christian principles have not been wholly banished, there will be men to treasure these pages of sanctity and heroism, inscribed by the crusaders with their blooas long as there exists a civilisation from which Christian principles have not been wholly banished, there will be men to treasure these pages of sanctity and heroism, inscribed by the crusaders with their blooas there exists a civilisation from which Christian principles have not been wholly banished, there will be men to treasure these pages of sanctity and heroism, inscribed by the crusaders with their blood.
Ralph McInerny puts the point well: «The natural law, as St. Paul remarks, is inscribed in our hearts.
I believe because the evidence is continuing to back the Bible and as I said earlier the number of ancient copies of the Bible is inscribe, way over a hundred, and they all match, although there are sometimes variations, they agree with one another.
It is pointed out that the wife of T'ai Tsu, Empress Ma, was a Muslim, that many of his responsible officials were Muslims, that he never worshiped in a temple after his accession, that he forbade the drinking of wine, that he composed the hymn of praise of one hundred words to Muhammad which may still be found inscribed in the main mosque in Nanking, and that historians mention his strange facial features, which may have been due to foreign blood as a descendant of a Persian or Arab.
Accordingly, it is a text within a text, and insofar as it is inscribed on the tablets of the human heart, it may remain concealed and invisible.
The Jewish scriptures tell how Moses communed with God on the top of Mount Sinai, and returned with the tablets of stone on which were inscribed the Ten Commandments, which have served for more than three thou sand years as the basic moral code of the Judeo - Christian civilization.
And now, go, Write it before them on a tablet and inscribe it in a book, that it may be for the time to come as a witness for ever.
Alternate frameworks for collective living in India must be in the business of detecting the elements of distinctiveness (even if through difference) of Dalit and Adivasi culture and religion, which are inscribed into the communicative practices of the community, in order to represent its collective identity to itself as well as to the nation - state.
He said: «As we see you, as we see this area with its constant memories of what has happened, we seek to share with you in a way that reminds you that you are not alone, that the pain you suffer is not considered passing but profound, and that the grief for the lost is something that will forever be inscribed by our memories in these very stones, stones that over so many centuries have seen so much violence, but have also seen the renewal of hope and the overcoming of eviAs we see you, as we see this area with its constant memories of what has happened, we seek to share with you in a way that reminds you that you are not alone, that the pain you suffer is not considered passing but profound, and that the grief for the lost is something that will forever be inscribed by our memories in these very stones, stones that over so many centuries have seen so much violence, but have also seen the renewal of hope and the overcoming of evias we see this area with its constant memories of what has happened, we seek to share with you in a way that reminds you that you are not alone, that the pain you suffer is not considered passing but profound, and that the grief for the lost is something that will forever be inscribed by our memories in these very stones, stones that over so many centuries have seen so much violence, but have also seen the renewal of hope and the overcoming of evil.
The right to be human thus also implies the liberty to be religiously different, and thus difference is inscribed in these religious identities — even as they purport to emanate from the One Supreme being.
Inscribed in the days following the bombing, they seem to point to the men flying the now - silent planes and to the people below as well.
is inscribed in our body as sensorality» (N 162).4 The present is a mélange of past and future, and if we could speak of the passage of nature in itself, it would be a «memory of the world» (N 163, referring to CN 73).
Instead, the common Jewish belief is that parts of the Law were inscribed by God's own hand, (such as the Ten Commandments), and the rest was dictated by God to Moses.
As Christians, it is our responsibility to bear witness to the truth about marriage as taught by both revelation and reason — by the Holy Scriptures and by the truths inscribed on the human hearAs Christians, it is our responsibility to bear witness to the truth about marriage as taught by both revelation and reason — by the Holy Scriptures and by the truths inscribed on the human hearas taught by both revelation and reason — by the Holy Scriptures and by the truths inscribed on the human heart.
What, on top of all this compelled him to send us a personally inscribed, limited edition of his latest book as a wedding gift?
McCartney, who wrote the lyrics, reportedly said it was simply a name that came to him, but it later emerged that it was inscribed on a headstone in the graveyard which he and Lennon used to regularly use as a shortcut.
He is collecting game balls for his boys, five so far for Baylen, one for Bowen, painted and inscribed with their names as if they shared in the wins.
The first time I went to Germany, everybody that was leaving got the same stupid plaque as a going away present, just with their name inscribed.
A certificate of authenticity — inscribed with the signatures of the first - team squad — will be included with your order completely free of charge as a thank - you for supporting the Reds.
It could be a new book, inscribed with the date and the grade she's entering, a locket with family pictures, or even something as utilitarian as an alarm clock to help her adjust to her new schedule.
Dear Abby: When someone gives a book as a gift, it would be very thoughtful if he or she would refrain from inscribing it - unless the giver is certain that the receiver will want to keep it.
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