Sentences with phrase «insecure work»

"Insecure work" refers to employment that lacks stability or job security. It involves jobs that provide uncertain income, limited benefits, and little to no long-term job prospects. Workers in insecure jobs often face unpredictable schedules, low wages, and are more vulnerable to exploitation and unfair treatment. Full definition
Anyone who receives benefits, is in insecure work, or is low paid, will struggle just to rent, let alone escape the rent trap.
That requires some big and really bold policies, such as — childcare free at the point of use; building 10,000 social houses every year; raising real wages and tackling insecure work.
Young people also tend to be in lower paid, more insecure work, and they spend a higher proportion of their income on travel.
In times of economic turmoil, there could be a temptation to remove protections for those in insecure work to make the economy more «competitive».
Previous research has mostly focused on the possible associations between chronically insecure working models and cognitive processes such as attention and retrieval of attachment - related information (Fraley et al., 2000; Edelstein, 2006).
More than 600 Polar Fresh workers are striking, as employees, who say they have struggled with insecure work for years, negotiate a new agreement.
[62] She further argued for measures to make it easier to negotiate settlements in equal pay cases, for improved access to justice by waiving tribunal fees for a limited period, and to close loopholes whereby outsourcing and insecure working conditions often lead to unequal pay for women.
Its core support comes from a mix of financially insecure working - class men, who were traditionally loyal to Labour but who feel they have been «left behind» in modern Britain as mainstream parties chased the middle - class vote, and strategic Conservative sympathisers, who are keen to express hostility to the European Union but much less loyal to UKIP in general elections.
Workers are also calling for a fair # 10 per hour minimum wage, less insecure working hours, acceptable working conditions and the recognition of their right to form a trade union as employees of the company.
«Insecure work changes peoples» non-work lives.»
College - educated middle - class workers, with material, cultural, and intellectual resources, are more resilient, however, when faced with the effects of possible insecure work in tough times, and therefore are more able to commit to marriage and to planning families.
Children who grew up in an inconsistent or psychologically controlling parenting environment were likely to experience feelings of insecurity and dissociation (Soenens et al. 2008), which might lead to insecure working models and eventually to more mental health problems.
«Working - class people with insecure work and few resources, little stability, and no ability to plan for a foreseeable future become concerned with their own survival and often become unable to imagine being able to provide materially and emotionally for others,» said Sarah Corse, an associate professor of sociology in U.Va.
The precariat encompasses the informal sector workers in developing countries but also those on zero hour contracts and other forms of insecure work in Europe or Japan.
«The huge rise in insecure work isn't just bad for workers.
«Our country's social security system was never intended to subsidise and perpetuate low - paid and insecure work.
She also spoke yesterday about the problem of insecure work and stagnated wages.
«Now, insecure work, high rents and benefit reforms are all making it much harder to improve people's lives.»
Indeed, not only have the Tories failed to address the proliferation of zero hours contracts and insecure work, they are also making life even more difficult for those workers caught in a low pay trap.
This fits in to the wider pattern of insecure work that increasingly defines our workplaces, where there are nearly 1.7 million workers on some kind of temporary contract, with over a third taken because a permanent position was not available.
These figures peel back the edges of a crisis of insecure work that is worsening with every passing week under this Tory government.
The researchers found, generally, that educated middle - class workers are better able to recover from the destabilizing effects of insecure work than the working class, and therefore can seek and find stability in relationships.
When a caregiver is inattentive and regards a child as annoying or rejects him, however, an insecure working model develops.
Attendant to these insecure working models are all the characteristics we have discussed for children with such models — less developed social skills, lower levels of communication skills, and less mature cognitive development.
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