Sentences with word «insecurities»

I wish pastors understood that our insecurities are only exacerbated when they tell us that God has one right way in mind and we are constantly falling short of it.
Religion as belief in God is an opium of the people diverting man's energies from the needful tasks of this world to an illusory heaven above; it is a projection of man's inner insecurities, and consequently must be annihilated if man must be fully himself.
LOL at all the insecure radical atheists here bashing religion because they themselves have questions and insecurities about God.
But as I reflected on your comments and on my own insecurities and fears, I realized that what you're really asking for (and what I really need) is not an end to the theological construction zone, but rather the assurance that the structure remains habitable, that life can go on in the midst of all the drilling and sawing and hammering.
Human beings are hindered from seeing and doing what is truly good by a host of insecurities, anxieties, vested selfish interests, and by sheer desire for power and glory.
Tillich's point was that despite yourself — your inadequacies, insecurities, and, yes, sins — God in Christ has accepted you, and therefore you can accept yourself.
I wish I could end the post with a confident proclamation that I'm done with my Amazon rank (which currently stands at 22,585) and that my insecurities and fears have all melted away.
They pray on people's insecurities and use fear to keep them as believers.
When fears or insecurities surface, anxiously attached adults may try to control or manipulate their partner in the hope of gaining reassurance.
This one moment reflected back all the insecurities I already had about myself, which meant it must be true.
Also the enemy and bad guy Naked Pastor finds ongoing fault with pointing out beautifully all my flaws and shortcomings, hatreds and anxieties, fears and tears and homeland insecurities..
We could take out all of our insecurities, we could take away all of the hurt, all the pain, all the fear, all the trauma.
«I think you can write a psychological profile of me that says I found a way to immerse my insecurities in a cause large enough to justify whatever I wanted it to» — Newt, speaking to Gail Sheehy.
And then time passed, and I realised that my dogma and my rigidity said everything about me and my insecurities.
I now understand that some, (not all), pastors and leaders look for some in the congregation that will be easy prey for their insecurities.
As is with all Christendom's monetary needs, their inner folds gain and their sheepish ones are left holding their insecurities with little hopes to float above the social waters of communally mundane decencies...
He is right, it's better to have a church that is bruised and dirty from the streets than unhealthy and unwise, clinging to insecurities.
We notice we don't feel as connected as before, which feeds our insecurities, which motivates us to pull back a little further, which only confirms our suspicions that we don't belong.
I think all of these women have deep insecurities to put up with this sort of life style.
I still have my struggles and insecurities but there is no going back.»
Distractions are not psychological problems, insecurities or imbalances.
Part of maturity is living into who we really are: knowing our strengths, our weaknesses and our insecurities.
I'm a mess of distorted beliefs, defense mechanisms, and insecurities.
I think the point is we aren't asked to hide who we are, to tailor our behaviour to match others» expectations or insecurities.
Title to her blog referes to here boyfriend / relationship twice, her insecurities twice («geeky», «picks fights»), and atheism only once.
The wrong questions pointed me in the wrong direction and I paid the price for it — I spent yearsof my life nurturing insecurities and growing in confusion, guilt andanxiety.
Because I'm aware of my insecurities and my insufficiencies, I know the people that I want to work with because they are better able to complement me, and vice versa.
If you design your case study to resonate with your ideal clients» wishes, insecurities, and goals, your agency will attract more of the kind of clients you enjoy working with.
You are not going to let your insecurities control you anymore.
Jump into a conversation between Shannah Game and Taylor Schulte as they chat about the top five investing taboos that raise a lot of questions, doubt, and insecurities with investors.
Given the increased level of insecurities when trading online, traders want to ensure that their funds are secure.
True confidence — as opposed to the false confidence people project to mask their insecurities — has a look all its own.
And you can't go around telling all of your employees your deepest insecurities about it or you'll soon have no more of said employees.
Our own insecurities can get the best of us and ultimately force us to channel our energy in a negative way to not only ourselves, but those around us.
As you can see from the covers (or maybe not, it's a little hard to read), there is a strong focus in their feature content on Teena's insecurities and hang - ups — not that we endorse capitalizing on young girls» insecurities, this is simply a demonstration, for better or worse, of personas aligning well with a brand's marketing.
I'd agree with this, because the larger of a presence you become, and the more visibility you are willing to show up for, the more you are apt to deal with people projecting their own pains and insecurities onto you.
It can be painful to admit that you're suffering from insecurities, but there are tools and resources to help you work past these obstacles.
Join us as we engage in vulnerable discussions with some of Tulsa's top entrepreneurs about the trials, roadblocks, fears and insecurities they've overcome while building their businesses.
Of course that was all inside of me; stories I made up, things I did not communicate, and my own insecurities projected onto others.
If you rely on your VC to make the toughest calls that probably says more about your own insecurities with tough, unknowable, judgment calls than about your VC.
One quick check at the background of your haters will reveal they have the most insecurities about themselves.
We have to face not only our fears, but the harder to see things like our insecurities, our misplaced beliefs, and our own shortsightedness to really begin to thrive.
They didn't have the insecurities we do.»
Some people are highly skilled at putting on a self - assured front, which can mask their deeper insecurities.
Russia's economy has been bruised by its dispute with the West over Ukraine's tilt toward the European Union, a shift that inflamed Moscow's insecurities about declining influence and sparked its annexation of Crimea in March.
Social media and our own insecurities inflame envy, which stops us from asking accomplished people for help and advice they might willingly give.
Insecurities abounded.
«Too many people let their insecurities get in the way of becoming good leaders,» he writes.
«I've had to conquer a lot of fear, every day of my life, to overcome my insecurities.
Such insecurities are valid factors for stress and low retention, and employers should aim to address them in 2017.
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