Sentences with phrase «inside prison»

The door to our prisons have been unlocked, but often we stay there inside our prison cells decorating it with curtains and a new paint job.
It would have been welcome if this national and political debate had thrown the spotlight on what happens inside the prison gates.
Soon races were held on a quarter - mile track inside the prison.
So, he will spend a very long time inside prison.
But three independent sources - all of them knowledgeable about the prison system - have confirmed this is not the reality inside prisons.
In this particular edition, the robots are actually not robots at all, but your friends trapped inside prisons that resemble robots.
Selling oil in the world market is like selling ice cream on a hot day or selling cigarettes inside a prison.
You will buy books, magazines, music, movies, all neatly presented inside a prison of such striking beauty; you may not realize that you are being held captive.
Inside the prison walls of Camp Kilpatrick, competing gangs fight it out with fists, intimidation and racial slurs.
Life inside the prison portrayed the loneliness, the cruelty and power hierarchy but also the love and support that can occur within these walls.
If we ever tried to create one, most of us would probably end up like Lacie Pound does at the end of the episode — screaming at a stranger from inside a prison cell.
And I'm like «yeah, but that's for INSIDE the prison isn't it?
Through the first circuit of the course, I almost forgot I was running inside a prison; I was pre -, occupied — as I would be in any race — with trying to establish a comfortable pace.
Medal volunteers inside prison institutions with the Last Mile, where he empowers inmates with front - end web development skills.
During a time when the American public is debating whether police departments are becoming too militarized, using advanced weapons training inside prisons may not provide the best optics for the public, and can antagonize inmates as well, Minor said.
After news of inmates stranded inside the prisons began to leak out, the Prison Legal Advocacy Network of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), filed notices to both TDCJ and the BOP, noting the «persistently unconstitutional conditions of confinement.»
Thousands of hours inside prisons and on death rows in several states of the US these past twenty five years only confirms it for me: We have largely abandoned justice by largely abandoning punishment itself.
This is the final report published by the Commission in Sex in Prison, established by the Howard League for Penal Reform in 2013 to undertake the first ever review of sex inside prison.
In second place is a piece by prisons campaigner Alex Cavendish exposing the lengths that prison authorities go to keep incidents and disturbances inside prisons from getting into the public eye.
Grisanti said in his years as a criminal defense lawyer almost none of his clients made much use of the existing educational programs inside prisons and few even had graduated from high school.
«My Attorney - General is advocating a setting up of courts inside the prisons to speed up decongestion and the logistic problems of transporting prisoners from prisons to courts.»
David Sweat said he escaped from Clinton Correctional Facility last summer to get away from abusive conditions inside the prison.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo tasked Inspector General Catherine Leahy Scott with conducting a comprehensive review of the systemic failures inside the prison system that led to Matt and Sweat's escape.
Developed by General Electric, the devices can be mounted inside prison cells, where they keep track of inmates» movements and vital signs using Doppler radar.
But the reality appears to be very different: interviews conducted by New Scientist with ex-prisoners and with researchers confirm that many drug users do not lose access to drugs inside prison but instead lose the help that they need to avoid becoming infected with HIV.
But it shows a worrying potential for transmission of the virus inside prison.
And yes, fitness professionals have even taken note of the legendary workout routines inside prisons, where barbells and dumbbells have been banned in recent years.
Megamind is raised inside a prison, where his fellow inmates scramble his moral code.
Where it does excel is in finding new angles from which to consider the Holocaust without dwelling on it — the very idea of an assembly line inside a prison camp where the skilled labourers are sure they'll be killed as soon as their project is finished will have a terrifying resonance for anyone who works hard for their money (as will the acquisition of a ping - pong table as singularly absurd incentive for a job well done).
The contrast, not just in their size and dispositions, but also in their belief systems, gives Paddington 2 all of the narrative and thematic momentum it needs inside the prison (that and Paddington's culinary skills, of course).
«One of the challenges for people who do this work... is that there is this myth, this grossly inaccurate perception, about what is possible inside a prison,» says Castro.
At one of Stern's so - called «inside / out» classes, Harvard students gather each week inside the prison's school building for a three - hour «urban sociology» seminar with the incarcerated Boston University students.
The program allows Harvard students to take college courses inside prisons alongside students admitted to Boston University as full students while incarcerated.
In the program, Jenkins uses classics like Dante's Inferno and the works of Shakespeare to encourage incarcerated men and women to write about points of connection between their own life stories and the experiences of the characters, which are then woven together to create a script that is performed inside the prisons.
He won the 2014 Lindback Award for Distinguished Principal Leadership, and is the author of Unlocking Potential: Organizing a School Inside a Prison.
Two years ago, no California community college offered face - to - face instruction inside a prison.
Ink inside the prisons is usually created by burning the heel of a shoe and mixing the soot with urine and shampoo.
For no one could confuse howls of pain with any other kind; they were cries of a body without a self, abandoned, crushed to a shapeless splotch, whose only sign of being was the force with which it could shatter the silence inside the prison walls.
New plans for offenders also include the declaration that no more taxpayer's money will be used to buy games consoles for use inside prisons.
One section inside a prison about half - way through the game ditches the parkour fun where Hover shines in favor of sneaking about, dodging lasers and bland scenery.
The Gold Skulltula will spawn behind some vines inside the prison on the southeast corner of the map.
Training Day by American photojournalist Michael Schwarz examines the inner workings of «Canine Partners for Life», a non-profit project that enables maximum security prisoners in Pennsylvania and Maryland to train prospective service dogs inside the prison for up to 18 months.
Seen, but not heard, is Dennis Adams» «Lullaby» (2004) based on an Eric Clapton record found inside the prison cell of RAF leader Andreas Baader after his alleged suicide in 1977.
But inside the prison something more sinister is afoot.
A network of crime and corruption thrives inside this prison due to a complete lack of governance, and inmates» human rights are constantly violated.
Dan Tanel, Chief Technology Officer for managed video services provider BCS Global, says that when courts videoconference with police stations, prisons and probationary services, they can streamline the arraignment process, improve public safety by keeping prisoners inside prisons and meet «virtually» with probation officers in the field.
Excellent in handling people in angry situations, escorting prisoners to courtrooms, other facilities and inside prison confines.
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