Sentences with phrase «inside the refrigerator»

As they stand on their own, pouches can easily be placed inside a refrigerator for safe keeping.
Always make sure to prepare only small batches and to store them in an airtight container inside the refrigerator.
• Fresh milk may be placed in a freezer compartment inside a refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
Place dough inside refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.
This raw cake requires storage inside a refrigerator, making it a great summer treat.
The pouches are made from heavy duty BPA - free plastic and stand on their own inside the refrigerator or freezer.
You may know the rule about getting leftovers in the refrigerator no more than two hours after they come out of the oven, but do you know the temperature inside your refrigerator?
It has the capacity to store a ton of goods inside the refrigerator.
My mom got me a cat when I was only 5 and she told me she was concerned about the decision after I put the poor cat inside the refrigerator!
Since this type of chocolate needs to set inside a refrigerator I always questioned if there was a way to set it into chip size, since ideally this chocolate sets it's shape in a mould directly.
To check inside the refrigerator remotely, a 2.0 - megapixel panoramic super-wide-lens camera captures images from different angles which are accessible via smartphone.
To check inside the refrigerator remotely, a 2.0 megapixel panoramic super-wide-lens camera captures images of the interior from a variety of different angles which are accessible via smartphone, a must - have feature for anyone who would like to see what's at home while grocery shopping.
The production design is great, even though half the movie looks like it was shot in the bathroom of an Apple Store, and in the other half the lighting is so cold it looks like it was shot inside a refrigerator.
Known for her contributions to office equipment and household appliances, Gilbreth invented the shelves inside refrigerator doors, filed a patent for an improved can opener, helped General Electric design the proper height for kitchen fixtures, and more.
Refrigerated and merchandised inside the refrigerator, every bottle of Beetology is fresh and ready to grab and go.
Cover with a cling film and keep inside the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or preferably overnight (8 to 12 hours).
To quicken the setting process, just place the cake inside the refrigerator for a bit.
Do you ever gaze inside your refrigerator a few days after food shopping and marvel at how there's pretty much nothing to eat?
When the lab's AC system disrupted the process, for example, the researchers put the sensor rig inside a refrigerator, but even the noise from the fridge compressor was too disruptive, says Klein.
It is always advisable to store it in perforated plastic bags inside a refrigerator drawer.
It's good to store your BB cream inside the refrigerator too so it will have better consistency and cold BB is so good to apply.
(That's why Indiana Jones can survive jumping out of an airplane with a rubber raft in one film but if he hides inside a refrigerator in another it's suddenly «unrealistic.»
The two sequences that stand out are the aforementioned prologue / credit sequence and a finale shot from inside a refrigerator that should go down as some sort of classic of claustrophobic invention.
The program loads a series of pictures and questions: «Which picture shows the juice inside the refrigerator
I saw a newspaper article a few months ago regarding LED lights (as in LED TVs, LED displays on PCs, LED lights inside refrigerators etc) which cause irreparable damage to the retina.
For example, the award is named after a dog that was trapped inside the refrigerator and ate a ham leaving just the hambone.
The Hub Robot is equipped with an interactive display that can provide information such as images of contents inside a refrigerator, and recipes, complete with step - by - step audio instructions.
A few apartments allow tenants to use their phones or voice - assistant software in order to slide out hidden beds that save space, see what's inside their refrigerator before opening it, make coffee, and even benefit from mechanized storage that uses robots to transport bins.
There is ice in the bottom drawer, and a water dispenser inside the refrigerator Both are very nice and it not an issues in terms of convenience having to open the doors to get the ice / water.
The first in the line is the Smarter Fridge Cam, a camera you place inside your refrigerator that takes a photo of what's inside right as the door closes and before the light goes out.
Since this type of chocolate needs to set inside a refrigerator I always questioned if -LSB-...]
According to CDC guidelines, breast milk will stay fresh in a deep freezer for six to 12 months, in a regular freezer for three to six months, and a freezer compartment inside the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
Store the containers inside the refrigerator or freezer, not on the door, to maintain a constant temperature.
An hour later, I had scrubbed the cabinets, the inside of the cabinets, the stove, refrigerator, inside the refrigerator, the floor, the sink and every other open surface in the kitchen.
Cover and set inside the refrigerator.
Walmart is testing a new service that delivers items into a customer's home and inside their refrigerator.
In the dishwasher, inside the refrigerator..
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