Sentences with phrase «insightful details»

His interactive chart breaks down ER visits by activity, number of visits and the month of the year, giving insightful details about when those activities are popular.
Along the way, he draws out insightful details about the company, trends, and industry as a whole.
A new rumor offers insightful details regarding Magneto's storyline in X-Men: Dark Phoenix, along with new costume details.
Szumowska's direction reveals a hugely promising talent and a great eye for insightful detail, but the absorbing Elles most definitely belongs to La Binoche.
Dave King illustrates though minute and extermely insightful detail the complexities of human nature with a very positive and endearing overtone.
She also provides insightful details about how they screen shelter dogs for these intense, professional jobs and how they train and care for these canine heroes throughout their lifetime.
To try and assist the public with safe driving, the Washington State Department of Transportation offers insightful details on a daily basis.
This is hard, painstaking work, and she illuminates it with authentic and insightful detail.
From an overview of the program, to getting started, to successes, obstacles and lessons learned, Ann shares it all with specific and insightful detail.
Primarily, the blog posts are in long - form essay format, meaning the posts have the propensity to get into the insightful details in regard to claims, circuits, and cases.
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