Sentences with phrase «insights of others»

Sometimes this encounter, as exemplified in McDaniel's essay later in this work, will result in an appropriation of insights of other perspectives.
Beyond this, Gutiérrez's observation, along with converging insights of other liberation theologians, has led me to realize that the ideology involved in the traditional formulations of faith's claims is as much a problem as the mythology they involve in establishing their credibility to contemporary men and women.
The recipe included here is adapted from Mr. Torres's classic cookie, but relies on the discoveries and insights of the other bakers and authors.
Here was a man determined to pare his life down to its essence, and he did it with the insights of other writers.
Not only must we invite the insights of other religions and political orientations, but the moral disciplines of religion and politics must also seek the wisdom of those disciplines of the arts and sciences.
I would also try not to base my theological reading of current world history so narrowly in my own Christian tradition, but would try to draw on the insights of other traditions, as we must all increasingly do at a time when the world religions elbow each other in unprecedented closeness.
Since we are making at least as many mistakes, we desperately need the insight of other Christian leaders who are striving to submit their total lives to biblical revelation.
Confessional traditions still tend to appeal dogmatically and exclusively to their versions of the gospel while failing to learn from the insights of others.
All nondualist Hindus have always been free to inquire anywhere they liked, for though they may not feel impelled to abandon their own religion and adopt another, they would expect to derive only benefit from sharing the insights of other people of God.
I shall try to compensate somewhat for this injustice by using in «my evaluation of Hartshorne some of the ideas Jung associated with the process of individuation, even though I recognize that the same points could be made by using the insights of other schools of psychotherapy.
It is only insofar as a tradition claims universal relevance that its exclusion of the insights of others is problematic in terms of its own norms.
The comprehensiveness and human adequacy of their traditions is enlarged as they assimilate the insights of others.
I read a lot of the comments before I made them and I value the insight of others who have made the recipe already, so here are my 2 cents.
And we have introduced the National Security Council so that intelligence is weighed and assessed alongside all other sources of information available to us as a Government, including diplomatic reporting and the insights of other government departments, and that all this information is judged carefully in deciding the Government's overall strategy and objectives.
The unprecedented opportunity we have today is for a common interactive relationship in which each discipline retains its integrity and yet is radically open to the discoveries and insights of the other.
Set aside designated hours in your day to be completely undistracted by the insights of others.
But you want to be a part of the discussion and hear the insights of others.
People should be open to reconsidering their initial opinion based on further consideration as well as the insights of others.
«Parents know how valuable the insight of other mums and dads can be when making choices about schools,» said Ofsted chair, Baroness Morgan.
This call is your opportunity to interact with others and profit from the insights of others who may have already solved the problem that's been holding you back.
It's not that he comes up with new insights, but he is very good at taking the insights of others and weaves them into a greater insight than the separate thoughts of the individuals.
It is important and helpful to listen to the wisdom and insight of others but not at the expense of building a collection that matters to you.
Instead, law co-opts the insights of other disciplines and turns them to its own uses.
If you are highly collaborative, appreciate the insights of others and / or on a limited budget, our group workshop, Personal Branding for LinkedIn, would be an ideal choice.
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