Sentences with phrase «insignificant details about»

Not exact matches

Also forget about the cheap coat with lots of insignificant low quality details like sewings, wide collars, etc..
When we like someone, we want to know every detail about them, every story, even the insignificant ones.
They've done what you've asked, and if you continue to complain about the smallest little insignificant details then you might get SEGA to pull the plug and stop Sonic completely, and I can tell you for sure that is NOT what I want.
So, if we assume Gary's major point is his claim about needing to think about these picky insignificant details when we are taking a broad brush view, he is wrong.
Even such insignificant details such as font for resume can say a lot about your character and they are a subtle way to showcase personality.
According to communication experts, these so - called insignificant details could actually do more to enhance your closeness with your loved one rather than a very «deep» conversation about feelings.
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