Sentences with phrase «instances of school bullying»

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I am supporting legislation to place certified social workers in every elementary, intermediate, middle, junior high and senior high school in New York and to establish an anonymous statewide toll - free hotline for reporting instances of bullying in schools.
There may be instances of excessive school spirit and surprising bullying, but the majority of the second act is comprised of gabbing and snacking and uninspired trivialities.
Although White Brook does not necessarily have more instances of bullying than any other school, part of the reason for the assembly is to refute the idea that bullying is an acceptable part of school life.
In addition, the current system puts pressure on schools to ensure that they are categorizing and recording instances of bullying.
Another possible reason private schools might have fewer instances of bullying is that private schools often find it easier than public schools to create a strong school culture centered on common values of members.
It appears that private schools have more robust anti-bullying programs, have students who are more likely to report bullying and yet fewer reported instances of bullying.
If you work in a mainstream or special needs school, you will inevitably come across instances of bullying from time to time.
In the US, there are plenty of schools where, for instance, bullying is taken very seriously, and the children are taught how to stand up for themselves, how to stand up for others and how to be more vigilant and caring.
By taking organized schoolwide measures and arming individuals with the strategies to counteract bullying, schools can reduce the instances of bullying and be better prepared to address it when it happens.
Behaviour on school buses was also criticised, with the inspectors saying: «Students call each other unpleasant names and there are many instances of bullying.
We have all heard that instances of school shootings, teen suicides, and other violent acts have been connected to bullying and lack of acceptance at school.
For instance, some of the scenes with bullies brought back my own memories and the scene where Philip sleepwalks on a school trip — that was me.
I can recall instances of bullying in my own life from grade school to high school.
Schools can also support belonging and inclusion by promoting values of friendship, cooperation and respect, and by ensuring that the school's policies and practices address instances of bullying or harassment quickly and effectively when they occur.
Finally, a group of studies concerned social relationships in and around the classrooms, expressed for instance in bullying versus victimization of bullying, 35 antisocial vs prosocial behaviour36 and classroom social status.37 These studies have demonstrated how important the school social environment is for the development of mental health problems in adolescents, and how important the familial background is for predicting who among the adolescents develops antisocial behaviour (or bullying behaviour) and who becomes the victim of other children's behaviour.
One of the biggest challenges for schools responding to instances of bullying is identifying exactly what has occurred.
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