Sentences with phrase «instant obedience»

The result of this authoritarian parenting style is very short term in the sense that, yes, you might get instant obedience but what about the skills that make us conscious human beings?
They think they need an effective «hard - hitting» instrument that brings out instant obedience in their kids.
So do not expect instant obedience from your dog.
In Kohn's view high control such as requiring instant obedience, using punishments as well as reinforcements actually is a hindrance to the long - term goal that parents desire, namely allowing their kids to grow into happy, independent, conscious and caring adults.
This book is a departure from my first three books in that it focuses on Christian parenting and takes on Dobson, Ezzo, Pearl, Tripp, and others who use the Bible to intimidate parents into believing that they have to demand instant obedience, threaten, control, spank their children, etc. in order to parent «God's way.»
• However, if you want to explore parenting skills that take parenting a step further than the short term instant obedience issues, please, join this journey of how to raise responsible, conscious and happy kids!
This common fear of uncontrollable, misbehaving and spoiled children has made many parents're - adopt» old fashioned child discipline techniques to create instant obedience in their children: «You do as I say, no discussion!»
We adopted Luke when he was 8 weeks old, and brought our little bundle of joy home with great expectations of instant obedience and fun.
• If you're searching to learn effective parenting skills that aim at better controlling your kids and getting instant obedience...
This was best though done by keeping children under strict behavioral control (requiring instant obedience and demanding chores etc.) as well as psychological control (using threats along with aggressive intrusiveness).
We see it in the speed at which they learn new tricks and their instant obedience when we give commands.
Provided continuous supervision to ensure constant discipline, the welfare, safety and health and instant obedience to orders
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