Sentences with word «instantaneity»

It would seem that if there is a sensori - motor present then if memory ceased we would be left in Russell's «solipsism - of - the - moment», but not in instantaneity.4 But a graver difficulty arises with this passage, for it seems that we have here a surreptitious renewal of the mathematical notion of time.
If such an eventuality actually took place, experience «would... include in an undivided present the entire past history of the conscious person, not as instantaneity, not like a cluster of simultaneous parts, but as something continually present which would also be something continually moving» (CM 152).
Without that survival of the past in the present there would be no duration but only instantaneity.
When we slice up a certain duration of time in this way, all we get is smaller durations, durations which approach instantaneity but nevertheless always have some positive magnitude.
Much of the venerable gallery's ethos is predicted here, from the tone of amused overripeness, to the accent on instantaneity and life as cinematic.
In this passage Bergson seems to allow for the slicing up of the «continuous life of memory» ad infinitum, leading towards the obliteration of memory, and with it consciousness, in instantaneity.
This relation, as with every relation, is not Instantaneous — in an instantaneity, relations are annihilated — but depends, as Whitehead pointed out, on a virtual duration that is derived from an imaginative reconstruction of the specious present (ENP 100).
Organized in partnership with Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), Broadcasting: EAI at ICA brings together an intergenerational group of artists whose time - based artworks are produced in concert with their means of circulation, from the democratic platform of public access television to the instantaneity of social media.
For a century, Impressionism's pursuit of instantaneity was thought to be incompatible with the comparatively laborious practices of graphic art, and the printmaking of artists such as Cassatt, Degas and Pissarro remained little explored.
The stills are being marketed as «instantly obtainable» artworks, but does this instantaneity detract somehow from their merit as collectible items?
A museum, as he put it in the local paper, «bridges time and distance» as the instantaneity of the Web never could.
An eye accustomed to flash and instantaneity will see little in Agnes Martin's paintings.
In so doing they capture and recreate the many ways we perceive and experience the world around us, focusing our attention on the binary of eternity and instantaneity.
There is an undeniable integrity to the Unfurled series, which depends wholly on his ability to sublimate the instantaneity of the reading of what it is the viewer is observing.
Working against the modernist attraction to speed, instantaneity, and the decisive moment, these artists explore slower rhythms.
This is war — instantaneity with long consequence!
We are now significantly aiding the growth of collaborative consumption in the sharing economy by fulfilling the need for quality and trust metrics while meeting needs of instantaneity.
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