Sentences with phrase «instead of doing»

And quite frankly, I would be really thrilled and impressed instead of doing this insurance if the president was on the TV on the morning at 6 a.m. working out with everybody in the country the way [inaudible 00:57:48] used to do in the fifties.
In some cases high protein foods causes your body to release the most insulin and instead of doing something like starve yourself for a very long time to lower your levels of insulin for more HGH...
Not everyone experiences keto flu, and my guess is that it may have to do with reducing carbs drastically and quickly instead of doing it gradually over a period of time.
Instead of doing 3 exercises for your whole body, you're doing anywhere from 6 - 11 exercises.
Instead of doing the exact same exercises, in the exact same order, at the exact same intensity level, week in and week out, try changing things up a bit.
You can definitely add high impact exercises to your routine but make sure to mix it up with low impact and no impact exercises instead of doing only high impact exercises.
And instead of doing chin - ups in the rack, I mounted up a chin - up bar between 2 fence posts and do chin - ups outside.
Instead of doing dumbbell rows or using a pulley machine, work your back with some of these body weight exercises.
Plus, instead of doing long, slow boring cardio, Kevin does bodyweight circuits with no equipment at all, and those workouts kick his butt and burn the fat.
Elevate your body, step back into a plank position, step your feet back up and come to a standing position — instead of doing the full kick do a low knee and a back knee.
Now, instead of doing a push - up, bring your right leg forward and place your foot on the outside of your right hand.
Instead of doing 50 sets of chest movements once per week, you're far better off doing 25 sets of chest movements twice per week.
Instead of doing endless hours of cardio to change your body composition, I want to introduce a tool that will help you lose weight faster, burn more calories at rest, and give you the confidence to wear that sexy black dress and work it like never before!
There is so many challenges on here, now I have goals that I want to master, instead of doing the same old routine at the gym.
For reducing training volume, instead of doing the 9 - 12 heavy sets on your lower body workouts, you can just stick to 3 sets of squats for an example.
Now it's like, «Oh, you start your functional medicine practice on a Saturday morning and you see a few patients here and there, you see family members who you're just learning and now they're getting better and then suddenly you renegotiate your thing with the hospital so instead of doing five 8 - hour days you're doing four 10 - hour days, and now you're practicing on Fridays.
Instead of doing ALL the cooking, host a potluck.
Ah, so if I want ot lose a bit of weight and also get stronger I should move to a circuit instead of doing lighter weights for high reps?
Instead of doing workout they do not get desired results.
For example instead of doing squats with the bar on my shoulder I do lunges or goblet squats and calf raises.
Now, instead of doing reps until you can't get past the sticking point, you're going to have to stop a rep or two SHORT of that point of failure.
Instead of doing a boring treadmill walk, you will get a better warm - up by doing 5 minutes of bodyweight exercises in a circuit.
Instead of doing revolved side angle, you can simply perform a regular side angle pose, opening up to one side.
Rachel Adams: But when I went home at night like I wasn't happy, and we end up having — instead of doing this interview, we have this amazing 2 - hour conversation about what my life could look like if I was truly leading it with authenticity --
You do your press ups, pull - ups and dips etc. but instead of doing 8 - 12 reps and then resting for one minute like you would do to build muscle.
So, instead of doing a «review» of Rusty Moore's Visual Impact for Women (which is a wonderful resource for women of all shapes, sizes, and fitness levels), I wanted to share with you one thing I learned that will help women achieve the fit but still feminine look.
When you adjust the inclination on the bench, instead of doing the skull crushers with your arms perpendicular to the floor, they'll be inclined to put even more stress on the long head of your triceps.
The goal is to trigger muscle growth as a by - product of strength gains, instead of doing tons of high rep, high volume exercises that have proven to be terribly ineffective for ectomorphs.
Instead of doing that, take a «deload» week of lighter training while reducing the weight / reps you normally train with.
Elevate your body, step back into a plank position, do a half push up or take it out, step your feet back up and come to a standing position - instead of doing the full kick do a low knee and a back knee.
To up the challenge, instead of doing regular crunches, try double crunches — a combination of upper body crunches and reverse crunches.
It ends up working all day long to remove these excess toxins that we're exposed to, instead of doing it's main jobs in the body.
Now, instead of doing two progressively heavier warm - up sets and then one «heavy» set on our «heavy» days (Days 1 & 3), we're going to do two progressively heavier warm - up sets and then two «heavy» sets (both with the same weight).
You'll learn to keep the weight off, instead of doing what most of us have done in the past — losing weight too rapidly with a crash diet, and gaining it all back quickly.
For example, instead of doing bilateral flat DB chest, try a single arm DB press.
You basically went to college, you're like, «I'm not satisfied», instead of doing what most people do, which is, «I as well finish my degree and hang out.»
These people need to train differently than the big guys, so instead of doing a large number of sets with low weight, they should concentrate on getting stronger first.
Walk instead of doing coffee.
So you've made a mistake — you snapped at your loved one, you procrastinated instead of doing work, or you skipped your morning workout.
One way to get the most out of it is by perform as many reps as possible for 30 seconds instead of doing the traditional 3 sets of 10 reps. Use a weight at which you can perform about 10 reps per side and don't stop your set after reaching failure; instead, keep on doing partial reps until you hit 30 seconds.
Instead of doing that, you need to work on improving flexibility in the glutes and hamstrings and remember to stretch them properly before squatting.
So in order to build big arms it's best that you build a workout routine revolving around the three big lifts — the SQUAT, the DEADLIFT and the BENCH PRESS, and instead of doing 15 + sets of isolated biceps curls and triceps extensions that will just overtrain your arms, you could do a simple routine and try to get the poundage's up in time.
Instead of doing isolation exercises like curls, extensions and flyes choose multi-joint compound movements that target more muscle mass.
During this movement, instead of doing waves, slam the rope to the ground.
Make it easier: To make this move easier, instead of doing the push - ups on your toes, you can come onto your knees for a modified push - up.
Try, for instance to replace your bench exercises with dumbbell flyes, or to doing overhead triceps extensions instead of doing pulldowns.
Instead of doing this, maybe it's healthier to consume your protein periodically, in moderate amounts and with a fair amount time between high - protein meals.
Instead of doing that, always «lead with your elbows» so they can go through their full range of motion.
Instead of doing 40 reps, reduce to 20 and add two more pounds..
I wonder if I'd feel differently if I tweaked my goal, such as increasing my time by planking longer instead of doing the same one - minute rounds five times every day.
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