Sentences with phrase «instead of growing the economy»

And it must act consistently and holistically with its support and the elimination of economically hostile policies and laws, such as restrictive labor laws, ever - changing tax policies and an almost exclusive emphasis on funding the government for one more month instead of growing the economy.

Not exact matches

Instead, America needs to invent, support and grow a new and renewed labor movement that fits the needs of today and tomorrow's workers and economy.
Freeing up much needed seed capital to make the economy grow instead of making nonproductive investments is the key to prosperity.
Instead of trying to pump up growth with highly speculative and potentially hazardous monetary experiments, the Fed needs to recognize that our economies just can't grow at the same pace they once did.
The cumulative national debt of these countries may as well be denominated in barrels of oil instead of euros, because millions of barrels of oil is what will be needed to get those economies growing again.
The result would be to grow the domestic economy instead of diverting investments overseas to countries having little incentive to reinvest that money back in the U.S.
Instead of adopting the currency of another country — such as the U.S. dollar — some of these economies might see a growing use of virtual currencies.
«At a time when we need leaders who will enact pro-growth policies that will turn our troubled economy around and put people back to work, too many Washington politicians are instead focused on growing the size of government,» Romney said in a press release.
With 2.5 million people out of work, including a record number of young people, instead of cutting jobs and privatising services, the government should invest to create jobs and help our economy to grow.
But my opponents are implacable: instead of a rational discussion of ideas and a civil debate about how to grow our economy, reduce our debt, and create jobs, voters are being subjected to a barrage of filthy ads and commentary filled with half - truths and overt lies.
Instead of living in a country with a (albeit slowly) growing economy, Greeks now face at least three more years of the harshest austerity yet.
Instead of cuts, we support a plan for public investment and jobs that can get the economy growing.
«Instead of allowing pay to be driven down to the lowest level, ministers should be looking to increase pay and living standards of everyone, to put money in people's pockets to help our economy to grow
«And instead of using the eurozone crisis as an excuse for Britain's problems David Cameron must wake up to the fact that our economy has not grown for over a year and a half on his watch.
The party said «it is worrisome that in the last six months, the President, instead of making efforts to harness resources and grow the economy, has rather continued to apply himself, perhaps unwittingly, to demarketing the nation and scaring away investors through negative labeling of Nigerians and unwarranted unhealthy portrayal of the nation's economy».
«There is too great an interest, I think, in (the Cuomo administration) to make a headline, to score political points, to leverage people against one another in order to score a win instead of truly understanding the kind of change that needs to happen in order to grow the economy, keep New Yorkers here and make the state more affordable and improve everybody's quality of life,» Molinaro said.
«Some people hope that a growing economy will be able to compensate for the damages caused by climate change — that we can outgrow climate change economically instead of mitigating it.
Theoretically, they can be an effective way to lower emissions, since they can allow a nation to grow its economy and gradually cut the fraction of carbon intensive emitters (say, by building wind farms instead of new coal plants)
We'll reduce it 40 percent by 2020, by 2020 everything we make we'll use 40 percent less energy per dollar or per yuan of value, okay; which is good, I mean, there's no argument to be made against them doing it, but their own economic projections indicate that their economy is going to grow so quickly that they'll be producing more CO2 instead of less at the end of that period.
Instead, with a moderately growing economy and less Fed stimulus, investors expect returns for stocks to be in the high single digits this year — the kind of backdrop where individual stock selection can make a big difference.
Proponents of the bill, such as the Hemp Industries Association and the nonprofit advocacy group Vote Hemp, argue that hemp products — including food, body care products and textiles — are a multimillion - dollar industry that could benefit California's economy by allowing the raw materials to be grown here instead of importing hemp from overseas.
In other words, the economy might grow by around 3 % instead of by 4 % under BAU.
Instead of trying to keep energy bills down (so that everyone can afford airconditioning or heating, according to need; and so that the economy can grow, bringing work and prosperity), we've driven them up artificially through carbon taxes and renewables subsidies for all those useless bat - chomping, bird - slicing eco-crucifixes destroying our countryside.
«Instead, the US economy grew by 64 percent even as the implementation of Clean Air Act Amendments cut acid rain pollution in half.»
By this I mean that a self growing system, a bit like the economy, grew, where assistant professors became professors and needed graduate students, affluence allowed more students to go to graduate school instead of facing the real world, even though academy was not a dedication but just work, in a growing spiral.
«Sharing» or «gig economy» companies like Uber and Airbnb continued to grow in 2016, meaning their data protection and privacy practices came into sharp focus as millions of Americans turned to these young companies for everything from rides to the airport to renting an apartment instead of a hotel room...
«Instead of adopting the currency of another country — such as the U.S. dollar — some of these [weak] economies might see a growing use of virtual currencies.
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