Sentences with phrase «instinctual behavior»

"Instinctual behavior" refers to actions or responses that are automatic and natural for a particular species, without the need for prior learning or thought. It is a behavior that is often inherited and is usually done to ensure survival or perform essential tasks. Full definition
These are all perfectly normal instinctual behaviors for dogs.
Since felines were domesticated over 2,000 years ago, some scientists believe that there are still several instinctual behaviors in housecats that harken back to their wild roots; when wild cats are settling in for a rest or preparing to give birth in the wild, for instance, they oftentimes would pat down foliage to make a soft surface on which to lay.
At its essence, Attachment Parenting is our biological imperative - the source of our most instinctual behaviors.
Anything you can do to encourage the natural instinctual behavior of your cat, will help your kitty cat be happy and be healthy.
Brewster is in charge of marketing and special projects at Pioneer Pet Products, where, she says, «[cat products] are designed to enhance a cat instinctual behavior [in a way] that improves the lifestyle of both the pet parent and the pet.»
Instinctual behavior by a dog such as barking at or chasing a cat will not be deemed a sign of being potentially dangerous if the cat gets away, as usually happens.
It's a dog's life in the backcountry and you start to see pretty instinctual behavior when dogs are free to be wild again!
Some only last a few weeks and most purely instinctual behaviors will be gone by the six month mark.
The tongue thrust will be gone from baby's instinctual behavior before too long, but the gag reflex stays for life.
Toys may seem like a luxury item, but dogs need toys to help relieve stress, boredom, and encourage instinctual behavior.
Skilled training can override weaknesses in temperament and high - drive instinctual behaviors, but our PTSD handlers will not be able to maintain training over the top of thesethings.
All of these questions and more are important to consider before selecting a dog breed, as each dog breed has been bred for certain characteristics and therefore their temperament, energy levels, and other instinctual behaviors will be present in your home.
You may observe that same instinctual behavior when you see a cat scratching at the floor around the food dish after eating.
The Setter is an extremely sensitive breed, and harsh tones of voice from a Setter's master will usually cause the dog to regress into instinctual behavior — which, as we've said, is not the most useful behavior in the world for training purposes.
Even Toy and Miniature Poodles will display frequent instinctual behaviors — for example, small Poodles have been known to point birds.
Encouraging natural skills through foraging behaviors and time spent with stimulating toys can promote instinctual behaviors that are part of a happy and healthy lifestyle for any captive bird.
Instead, researchers are studying instinctual behaviors versus learned behaviors in cats.
Otherwise, if pets run outside and put their noses in the lawn, they are simply exhibiting instinctual behavior passed down from wild ancestors.
Although our domestic dogs are very different in many ways to his ancestor, the wolf, he has inherited much of his ancestors instinctual behaviors.
So I believe our recently evolved gray matter — the expansion of the cerebral cortex — implements the uniquely human add - on which filters, rationalizes or defends instinctual behaviors in elaborate ways.
Chasing and tugging at toys is instinctual behavior for most dogs, but so is shaking them.
Jung wrote that archetypes are the unconscious images of the instincts themselves, in other words, that they are patterns of instinctual behavior.
Do you have a need to take away her natural instinctual behavior?
Instinctual behavior by a dog such as barking at or chasing a cat will not be deemed a sign of being potentially dangerous or vicious if the cat gets away, as usually happens.
At its essence, Attachment Parenting is our biological imperative - the source of our most instinctual behaviors.
Every species has instinctual behaviors that allow the little ones to grow up to be big ones and keep the species going.
The larvae are introduced at the surface of the gel, and when it's not too hard, they dig, an instinctual behavior that helps them avoid predator wasps and sunlight, which can dehydrate them.
In a landmark book, neuroscientist Paul MacLean proposed that a «reptilian complex» was responsible for instinctual behaviors... (read more)
-LSB-...] All these amazing contradictions find an explanation and can cope with each other perfectly since we have established that not even today the behavior of man is not exclusively directed by reason and cultural tradition, but is still subject to all those laws that govern any instinctual behavior born on phylogenetic path, laws that we know very well from studying the animal behavior.»
The eLearning module must contain a comprehensive list of real life case studies; especially those that are in the gray area, to help learners understand the real - life implications of what they learn and test their instinctual behavior under similar circumstances.
Her observations of the power and instinctual behavior of the animals add awe and overriding tension:
Seeking out confined spaces is an instinctual behavior for cats.
You may also notice that your dog paws at his bed before laying down, this may also be a left over instinctual behavior to get to cool dirt on the hot days in the summer.
Digging is an instinctual behavior for dogs, particularly for breeds like terriers, which were bred for digging.
Since mealtime doesn't provide an outlet for their instinctual behaviors, they find other negative ways to drain that energy.
Scratching, for cats is a very natural, instinctual behavior that serves several important purposes.
Joseph Castro, writing for Live Science calls it an instinctual behavior.
They're designed to help pups work out their instinctual behaviors.
Perhaps one of the main reasons for this gain can be attributed to the fact that this sport offers an outlet for a dog's instinctual behaviors.
Some rescues, primarily dogs that have been strays, have behaviors that revert back to this instinctual behavior and will sometimes guard toys, beds, people, etc. with aggression, for fear of said resource being taken from them.
For one thing, chasing moving objects is an ingrained, instinctual behavior that can never be completely removed.
Most agree that it is an instinctual behavior and can be considered normal for most dogs and some cats.
Some of a dog's instinctual behavior is helpful in teaching indoor manners and some is not.
Left alone with no human interaction, dogs that were once domesticated will turn back to their instinctual behaviors becoming feral and running in packs much like their ancient forebears — wolves.
Knowing what their instinctual behaviors related to particular breeds is necessary background information the dog obedience trainer needs.
Since meal time doesn't provide an outlet for these instinctual behaviors, they find another outlet like barking out the window all day, tearing up the furniture, chewing on the couch.
Not likely, since cats are not easy to train to begin with, and it's even more difficult to train an instinctual behavior out of them.
But indoor cats are still cats, thriving on many of the instinctual behaviors of their ancestors.

Phrases with «instinctual behavior»

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