Sentences with phrase «instruction model»

We'll also share lessons learned from our highest - gaining schools about how to overcome some of the common challenges schools and districts face in implementing a data - driven instruction model.
The differentiated instruction model requires teachers to be flexible in their approach to teaching and adjust the curriculum and presentation of information to learners rather than expecting students to modify themselves for the curriculum.
By and large an effective teacher instruction model includes explicit and detailed instructions, and independent practice by the students with feedback wherever necessary.
This can be used and easily adapted for other simple instruction models - e.g..
There are variety of different instruction models already in use in blended learning districts across the country.
It is not the name of a particular language instruction model, learning strategy, or new district - wide curriculum.
Out of this effort, the Strategic Instruction Model ®, or SIM, has evolved.
She co-developed the IDRA Engagement - Based Sheltered Instruction model of instruction that extends sheltered instruction practices to a level that focuses not only on teaching strategies but also student engagement responses and behaviors particularly within the areas of math and science.
Phyllis Haddox retired from the University of Oregon's College of Education where she trained and supervised teachers and also served as coordinator of the Direct Instruction Model of the Follow Through Project.
Tapestry designed an individualized instruction model with a very small 8 - to - 1 student - to - teacher ratio in four core subjects — English, social studies, math and science.
KTUP will enact a comprehensive data - driven instruction model using extensive data analytics tools, dedicated professional development days, and intentional intervention systems.
Their intensive early - elementary RTI and Tier 3 instruction model makes them unique.
The resources are linked to real - life contexts and follow the 5E Instruction Model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate).
Owen Engelmann has worked with the developers of the Direct Instruction model since 1984.
Best for: Teachers already comfortable with classroom technology and eager to work with small groups # of iPads needed: 5 - 6 per classroom Challenges: Requires a high level of classroom management Used at: Utica Community Schools Targeted Instruction Model
This program is for students who could not get into a GED program or who are reading below ninth - grade level and has three core elements: youth development, a rigorous instruction model (America's Choice), and structured case management.
Twenty - one New Jersey school districts are among more than 370 nationwide to apply for $ 400 million in federal Race to the Top funds, as the sweeping and sometimes controversial competition goes local with a push into specific instruction models and technology.
Shortly after the GSE were established, FCPS began implementing a small - group differentiation instruction model to support the new initiatives.
Ideal for small group and individual student instruction, the High Noon Reading program is the perfect addition to your tiered instruction model.
New scientific theories, research skills, and data analysis will be taught using the direct instruction model on a daily basis.
Dual Language is a bilingual instruction model designed to help students from diverse linguistic backgrounds become academically proficient in two languages; we are only one of six Dual Language programs (Spanish and English) in the state of Connecticut.
The SPDG is a five - year initiative to support increased graduation rates for students with disabilities using Check and Connect and the Strategic Instruction Model ™.
Participants walk through the program steps from both teacher and student perspectives to understand how this direct instruction model leads to mastery of the foundational skills: phonemic awareness, phonics, high - frequency words, spelling, fluency, and comprehension.
For teachers long urged to prepare students to answer questions quickly on tests, moving to an exploratory, in - depth instruction model will be a challenge, said Kevin Fox, a math instructor at Shasta College who helps train elementary teachers in math instruction.
Technology rich instruction models effective use, explores the barriers and benefits of technology integration (Keiper, Harwood, & Larson, 2000), and thereby surmounts the traditional absence of technology in methods courses (Rose & Winterfeldt, 1998).
Hamburg - based artist Michael Pfisterer's exhibition presents recent work based on research into and documentary of a series of early scientific instruction models.
The traditional university instruction model is perhaps best represented by Cambridge and Oxford in the UK.
Dr. Phil Cowan and Dr. Carolyn Cowan, both professors of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, have been involved in the development and rigorous testing of family instruction models for more than twenty years.
The CLC is a five - level model incorporating the research validated Strategic Instruction Model (SIM).
Targeting poor academic performance through a data - driven differentiated instruction model, notable progress has been made.
IDRA's new research - based sheltered instruction model can assist... read more
It's been researched, this particular approach, whether it's to teaching and learning, whether it's to... we've used Marzano for the teaching and learning, we've used Hattie in teaching and learning, particularly the explicit instruction model.
For schools, we employ our branded Data - Driven Instruction Model.
The Keller Plan, which is often referred to as «The Personalized System of Instruction», was developed in the middle sixties by Fred Keller, J. Gilmour Sherman, and a number of other researchers and educational theorists, and relies upon the Individualized Instruction Model.
The work in the development of a direct instruction model is illustrative here.
Traditional Tell / Show / Do and Nine Events of Instruction models have been pared down or replaced.
The program also provides lesson and instruction modeling.
Today, the Computer - Based Instruction model is used by myriad of learning programs throughout the world.
Amy has over 15 years of experience in education and is currently serving as is a certified professional developer in the Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) and has conducted multiple training sessions in both Learning Strategies (LS) and Content Enhancement Routines (CER).
Allison also considered the characteristics of the Spelling City app in relation to the explicit instruction model and then had her student engage in additional practice after using the app, based upon her observations of her student's spelling errors.
Teri's passion for educational change led her to a school leadership role at Simon Middle School at Hays CISD, just as they were beginning to implement the Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) through the RAISEup Texas project.
Through a combination of carefully sequenced coursework and numerous opportunities for field experience that are systematically incorporated into the program, you will learn to adapt the general education curriculum and use the explicit instruction model to meet the needs of a wide range of learners.
Overview of RAISEup Texas Initiative — using the Strategic Instruction Model (SIM).
The Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) promotes the effective teaching and learning of critical content by helping teachers identify and use proven learning and planning tools, as well as providing students with a set of skills that will help them learn critical content, or «learn how to learn».
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