Sentences with phrase «instructional policies»

These findings also highlight the importance of taking a close look at the practices and instructional policies at the school level, rather than solely concentrating on district - level policies.
In the early 1990's many states tried to devise more robust and coherent instructional policies, in efforts to make teaching and learning more thoughtful and demanding.
Ideas for NYC Principals: A Step - by - Step Approach to Distributed Leadership at Creston Academy for Responsibility and Excellence is one out of five case studies written for the New York City Department of Education's Office of Instructional Policy focusing on the impact of the Citywide Instructional Expectations (CIE) on school leaders, teaching and learning, and student achievement at a group of schools.
Struggling schools that come under increased accountability pressure face a number of challenges, including changing instructional policies and practices to facilitate student improvement.
Third, we find considerable differences in teacher support and teacher influence on instructional policies and practices between charter schools and traditional public schools, which might help explain the higher returns to experience on teacher effectiveness as well as the observed effectiveness gaps between charter schools and traditional public schools serving disadvantaged students.
Hill says that she has long dreamed of conducting this type of study similar to the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, a video study conducted more than 15 years ago that shaped instructional policies across the country.
The motives driving earlier start dates could spill over into other instructional policies.
«We also find that «F» - graded schools engaged in systematically different changes in instructional policies and practices as a consequence of school accountability pressure, and that these policy changes may explain a significant share of the test score improvements (in some subject areas) associated with «F» - grade receipt.»
In this study a representative sample of 880 elementary and secondary teachers currently teaching in 33 schools across the state of Arizona were asked about their perceptions of how their ELL students were faring under current instructional policies for ELL students.
Districts matter: Local educational authorities and state instructional policy.
Cohen D. K. & Hill, H.C. (2000) Instructional policy and classroom performance: The mathematics reform in California.
Provides state departments of education, superintendents, principals, parents, and community stakeholders with information that can be used to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of leadership, instructional policy, resource allocation,...
That's why it's important to have teachers at the core of our instructional policies.
At the district and school levels, new organizational and instructional policies can foster common understanding across multiple audiences and stakeholders, obtain official support for new practices, promote the sustainability of decisions in the midst of personnel changes, and give purposeful direction to school leaders and educators.
Experienced developing, implementing and managing IT and instructional policies and procedures for both hardware and software including Cisco routers and switc...
Experienced developing, implementing and managing IT departments, and instructional policies and procedures for both hardware and software including Cisco...
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