Sentences with phrase «insufficient diet»

Often, as in Marty's case, the breeding parents are inbred, over-bred, not given proper medical attention and on insufficient diets, commonly resulting in sickly and even deformed offspring.
If he doesn't lift weights and / or has insufficient diet then our mesomorph will be skinny one.
Feline constipation is relatively common and can be caused by insufficient diet.
Malnutrition is a general term for the medical condition caused by an improper or insufficient diet.
The bees not only receive an insufficient diet but must compete strenuously for it.
Between our stressful lives (I wrote more about this HERE), and our insufficient diets, our gut health is struggling to keep up.
Factors such as improper or inadequate lighting, poor water chemistry, predatory or dangerous tankmates, insufficient diet and incorrect placement in the environment can all contribute to the death of coral.
First, a huge percentage of them are sold (illegally) as hatchlings, with no care instructions, no proper caging, heating or lighting, and on an insufficient diet.
A supplement, by definition, is something that is added to an incomplete or insufficient diet.
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