Sentences with phrase «insufficient effort»

Still others have excluded damages for the time in which the employee made insufficient efforts to mitigate.
Pointing to insufficient efforts on the part of the Federal Aviation Administration, New York City Council members are taking regulation of the city's skies into their own hands.
On Monday, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders announced a sweeping plan to combat climate change that would greatly build upon the significant but insufficient efforts of President Barack Obama and, at first glance, is very close to a dream scenario for environmentalists.
Requires applications to include a student recruitment and retention plan and allows SBE to deny a charter renewal when a school made insufficient efforts to effectively attract, enroll, and retain students from among the same educationally needy populations.
«Sims is a painful symbol of our nation's troubling relationship with race and with our country's insufficient efforts to right the wrongs of longstanding injustices.»
They quickly recover after setbacks and often attribute failure to insufficient effort or an incomplete skill set, and approach uncertainty with assurance that they can exercise control over it.
We take specific reader complaints very seriously, though, and while they often result from a misunderstanding on the reader's part, expecting more than the advertiser promised to deliver, there have been cases when an advertiser was prohibited from advertising with us because we found that reader complaints were justified and the advertiser had made an insufficient effort to correct the problem.
The insufficient efforts in anti-money laundering does not comply with the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds, the agency said.
«Prior to launching in the United States, Spotify attempted to license sound recordings by working with record labels but, in a race to be first to market, made insufficient efforts to collect the required musical composition information and, in turn, failed in many cases to license the compositions embodied within each recording or comply with the requirements of Section 115 of the Copyright Act.»
The lawsuit said that Spotify initially tried to work with record labels but, «in a race to be first to market, made insufficient efforts to collect the required musical composition information.»
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